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Al-Hamra supports ‘World Diabetes Open Day’ in partnership with Dasman Diabetes Institute

KUWAIT: Officials pose for a group photo during a diabetes awareness event hosted at Al-Hamra Shopping Center.

KUWAIT: Joining the global fight against diabetes, Al-Hamra Real Estate Company recently hosted Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI) at Al-Hamra Shopping Center to raise awareness on the growing health concerns posed by diabetes. Marking World Diabetes Day annually, the event themed ‘Access to Diabetes Care’ this year, was held in partnership with Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait Finance House, and Kuwaiti Danish Dairy Company (KDD).

Established in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation with support from WHO, World Diabetes Day is observed every year on November 14 to improve prevention, diagnosis, and management of the disease. Al-Hamra Real Estate Company supported an open day campaign from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm wherein over 200 visitors registered and underwent free clinical consultations, complimentary medical testing and screening, and nutritional screening.

A man undergoes a medical check up during the event.

Participants were advised on proactive measures to adopt, to eat healthily, manage their weight and stay active to avoid the dangers of the chronic health condition, moreover, the possible onset of other serious health problems such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease. In keeping with the tradition of the blue circle, the global symbol for diabetes awareness, Al-Hamra’s iconic Business Tower was lit in blue.

Bibi Al-Hamad, Senior Executive – Communication and Digital Marketing of Al-Hamra Real Estate Company said: “We believe that widespread knowledge and collective efforts against a common rising problem in our midst will curb or prevent diabetes. Additionally, diabetes patients are easily vulnerable to COVID-19 and its risks as was witnessed during the outbreak of the pandemic.

Al-Hamra Real Estate Company encourages individual behavior change and we hope through these positive, community-wide campaigns, to address the ongoing crisis and inspire a sustained lifestyle change that will curb related health concerns as well. We thank Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI), KFAS, KFH, and KDD for being part of this special day that seeks to safeguard the overall health of our communities.”

“Holding such events and activities stems from DDI’s mission statement, where health promotion and awareness are a priority for the Institute. Since its establishment in 2006, the Institute organizes and takes part in many events and campaigns to shed light on diabetes and its related conditions. This is in accordance with the Institute’s belief that, ‘Prevention is better than cure,’ Dr Qais Al-Duwairi, Director-General of DDI said.

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