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Red and White Kop

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Re: Holidays 2024 - What's your plans?

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: TepidT2O on Yesterday at 03:27:00 pm

Has anyone been to Manila?

My missus might have to go there for a week and might tag along with the kids.

Is it worth it? What is there to see? I know very little about it.

The food will be amazing.
My good lady was born there (her mum is Filipino) and we ...

Re: Darwin Núñez (Darwin Gabriel Núñez Ribeiro)

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: Darren G on Today at 04:54:59 am

So Jota being over his xG this season is definitely an outlier despite him doing very similar before, but the season that Nunez outperformed his xG wasn't, despite that only happening for one season in the past five?  I'm not getting into the bulk of the other stuf...

Re: Arsenal: Top of the divers league

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: Tonyh8su on Yesterday at 11:20:27 pm

Funny how quick the cheating is accepted.

It was just what you actually said to make your point, ending with ‘White standing in front of the keeper’, I just found it funny. If you had said obstructed or impeded then it would have been a bit more dramatic. ...

Re: The Horse Racing thread

Red and White Kop 

That’s a real shame, was looking forward to seeing him against GDC this week at Punchestown.

Very sad

Re: MPs back smoking ban for those born after 2009

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: Speedy Molby on Today at 12:21:18 am

How would you enforce an outdoor ban?

You could start with what happens indoors. Get non-smokers to point out to smokers that you can't do that here or anywhere. Parents currently do it at most sporting fields that have bans now. Then you have police i...

Re: Only connect...

Red and White Kop 

Puzzle #323

Re: The Snooker thread

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: kaesarsosei on Today at 05:46:10 pm

Watching young 30 year old Lisowski. Why does this guy get so much attention? He’s made some serious gaffes against Bingham but in general I just don’t see the fuss. Nowhere near the talent of a Jimmy White for instance, I don’t get it.

Probably been di...

Re: ******LFC Prediction League: Season 23******

Red and White Kop 

I know I said last week that I might be interested in taking over from BoRed but I've decided to take a break from football next season so I won't be doing it. As of now I won't be taking part in the predictions league either but that might change closer to the start of the next one.

Re: Sadio Mané

Red and White Kop 

Miss him so much.

He was such a nasty fucker on the pitch too
 Had a bit of everything and set the tone most days. Like that time he smashed azpilucueta early on.


«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

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