Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports)

Новости за 22.09.2018

Navy sailor on solo voyage injured, stuck in yacht

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

While sailing as part of the iconic Golden Globe Race, a 14m-high wave rolled over and left Abhilash Tomy severely injured. His vessel, Thuriya, momentarily capsized and his mast snapped in the storm in the remote waters of the Southern Indian Ocean. Tomy remains incapacitated on his bunk inside the boat, and it will be a few days before rescuers can reach him.

Navy sailor on solo voyage injured, stranded midsea

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

While sailing as part of the iconic Golden Globe Race, a 14m-high wave rolled over and left Abhilash Tomy severely injured. His vessel, Thuriya, momentarily capsized and his mast snapped in the storm in the remote waters of the Southern Indian Ocean. Tomy remains incapacitated on his bunk inside the boat, and it will be a few days before rescuers can reach him.

Imran Khan closes all diplomatic doors, for now

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The Modi government and BJP view the cancellation of the meeting between Indian and Pakistan foreign ministers on the sidelines of UNGA as politically fortuitous, regarding the event as liability that might have only allowed Islamabad to gain some PR points without any deliverables on terrorism.

Rafale makers, French govt rebut ex-prez Hollande

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Hollande himself seemed more circumspect a day after his remarks set off a political storm. Asked if India had put pressure on Reliance and Dassault to work together, Hollande told international news agency AFP that he was unaware and “only Dassault can comment on this”.

Now, India-Pakistan sniping finds a new theatre

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

After three decades of Pakistan government running propaganda against India through radio programme "Punjabi Darbar" at the Indo-Pak border, India has installed a new transmitter with a cover a radius of 90 km at a village near Attari border that among other things will also be used to transmit AIR's "Des Punjab".

India-Pak sniping finds new theatre: Radio waves

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

A 20-kilowatt frequency modulation (FM) transmitter is about to become the latest weapon in a war of wits and perception between the two countries. The transmitter, which will begin Amritsar’s first FM radio broadcast from September 24, will cover a radius of 90 km, reaching not only Indian listeners, but also across the border in Pakistan’s Punjab, including Sheikhupura, Muridke, Kasur, Nankana Sahib and Gujranwala among other notable places.

ISI instructed terrorists to kill SPOs, chats reveal

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Messages from Pakistan, giving specific and pinpointed instructions to terrorists based in J&K to kill the SPOs immediately after their abduction, were intercepted by Indian agencies. The messages were chillingly specific, identifying the victims by name. The terrorists on the ground were directed to spare a civilian they had taken hold of.

ISI instructed J&K terrorists to kill SPOs, intercepted chats reveal

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Messages from Pakistan, giving specific and pinpointed instructions to terrorists based in J&K to kill the SPOs immediately after their abduction, were intercepted by Indian agencies. The messages were chillingly specific, identifying the victims by name. The terrorists on the ground were directed to spare a civilian they had taken hold of.

Meet the woman heading India’s Gaganyaan project

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The 56-year-old scientist was not only the key member of a team that was behind the launch of a record 104 satellites in one go on February 15, 2017, but she also played a significant role in the execution of over 100 space missions.

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