Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports)

Новости за 22.11.2018

Madhav retracts 'Pakistan dig' against PDP, NC

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

"PDP and NC boycotted local body polls last month because they had instructions from across the border. Probably they had fresh instructions from across the border to come together and form the government. What they did prompted the governor to look into the whole issue," Ram Madhav had said.

Heavy security in tense Ayodhya, traders worried

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Amid heavy deployment of CRPF, PAC and civil police across the town, highly placed sources told TOI they had clear-cut instructions that there should be no violation of the status quo at the disputed site.

Ayodhya: VHP defies ban, holds road show

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Amid heavy deployment of CRPF, PAC and civil police across the town, highly placed sources told TOI they had clear-cut instructions that there should be no violation of the status quo at the disputed site.

VHP defies ban, holds road show in tense Ayodhya

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Amid heavy deployment of CRPF, PAC and civil police across the town, highly placed sources told TOI they had clear-cut instructions that there should be no violation of the status quo at the disputed site.

Do some people have special rights in jails, asks SC

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

After media reports of Unitech MD Sanjay Chandra and his brother Ajay availing prohibited facilities inside Tihar jail like LED TV, sofa etc. the SC asked whether a parallel system is running inside jails where the rich got everything while poor inmates lived in pathetic conditions. SC also slammed the government for not doing enough to provide basic facilities to jail inmates.

Do some people have special rights in jails: SC

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The court has set up a committee headed by its retired judge Amitava Roy to look into problems in 1382 jails of the country and suggest measures on prison reforms to protect the rights of inmates, particularly minor children of women prisoners who are compelled to live in jail.

Govt clears corridor for Kartarpur up to Pak border

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

With the Cabinet approving the development of a corridor to enable smooth passage of pilgrims seeking to visit Guru Nanak’s final resting place at Kartarpur, India “approached and urged” Islamabad to develop the passage on its side too. The corridor will begin from Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur, India, to the international border with Pak to allow unrestricted flow of pilgrims.

Cabinet clears corridor for Kartarpur up to Pakistan border

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

With the Cabinet approving the development of a corridor to enable smooth passage of pilgrims seeking to visit Guru Nanak’s final resting place at Kartarpur across the border, India “approached and urged” Islamabad to develop the passage on its side too to facilitate unrestricted flow of devotees.

For black students, life is not fair in Delhi

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Black students who come to study in India face a lot of discrimination due to stereotypes and lack of communication between the locals and them. Students who live in hostels feel comparatively safe but those in PGs say that life is difficult. Concerns for their safety were raised again following incident in Delhi's Dwarka where a house of black residents was raided by the locals.

Special meaning behind Deepika's saree

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

And for the Konkani style wedding and the reception, Deepika opted for a Kanjivaram Zari saree. Styled by Sabyasachi, the sarees were Advaya sarees. In a recent interaction, the source close to the label talked about the significance of those sarees.

Special meaning behind Deepika Padukone's saree

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

And for the Konkani style wedding and the reception, Deepika opted for a Kanjivaram Zari saree. Styled by Sabyasachi, the sarees were Advaya sarees. In a recent interaction, the source close to the label talked about the significance of those sarees.

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