Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports)

Новости за 04.04.2022

IPL 2022: Avesh Khan stars as Lucknow beat Hyderabad by 12 runs

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Lucknow Super Giants paid 25 times more than his base price of Rs 20 lakh to get Avesh Khan's services in IPL 15. The move was worth it as his excellent bowling acted as the catalyst for his team's 12-run win over Sunrisers Hyderabad on Monday.

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah update, April 4: Purush Mandal learns the truth about Champak chacha ji doing party-sharty

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The episode of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah begins with Bhide telling Madhavi that he is going to meet Popatlal. Madhavi asks her to accompany him but Bhide refuses and asks her to stay at home.Bhide, Iyer, Dr. Haathi, and Taarak wait for Popatlal at the society garden. Taarak calls Popatlal and asks him to come soon. After a while, Popatlal and Sodhi arrive at the society garden.When everyone asks them about the matter, Popatlal warns him that they will get shocked after listening to the news.

IPL 2022: KL Rahul completes 50 half-centuries in T20 cricket

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Indian opener and Lucknow Super Giants skipper KL Rahul on Monday achieved a milestone by completing 50 half-centuries in the T20 cricket during an IPL match against Sunrisers Hyderabad at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai.

Rajasthan Royals start favourites against Royal Challengers Bangalore

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The Rajasthan Royals’ leadership group were one of the teams that aced the game on the IPL auction table and that has served them well in the two games they have played so far. The perennial underdogs of the previous editions have kickstarted the season with power-packed performances.

Visa problems delay Cheteshwar Pujara's stint at Sussex

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

India batsman Cheteshwar Pujara's debut for English county Sussex has been delayed by visa problems, it was announced Monday. Sussex had hoped to have Pujara available for their opening County C'ship match at home to Nottinghamshire starting on Thursday.

Imlie update, April 4: Aryan, Imlie humiliate each other

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The latest episode of Imlie begins with the Rathore family preparing for the reception party. Arpita helps Imlie get ready for the party and compliments her beauty. Arpita asks Imlieto wear her earrings and come down as everyone is waiting for her.

Jyothi wins 100m hurdles gold but misses NR due to wind-aided effort

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Jyothi, who trains in Bhubaneshwar, dominated the women's 100m hurdles final, winning with a wind-aided time of 13.08 seconds, faster than the existing national record of 13.38 in the name of Anuradha Biswal since 2002. Jyothi's time will not be considered as a national record since there was a tail-wind of 2.1m/s, slightly above the permitted limit of 2m/s.

ATP warns of stricter action for on-court misconduct

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Tennis officials will dish out stricter punishments for on-court misconduct, the ATP warned players in an internal note on Monday as the men's governing body also simultaneously reviews its guidelines to clamp down on repeat offenders.

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Певица Кэти Перри высмеяла слухи о своем похудении подарками с Оземпиком гостям

Алексей Сёмин

Объемы продаж цветных бриллиантов в России выросли на 43%: лидируют Краснодар, Казань и Воронеж

Дома по технологии фахверк от «РичВуд»

В Москве мобильные пункты обогрева возобновляют работу с 1 ноября

Синоптик Тишковец: снег принесет в Москву циклон «Мартина»

В Тульской области в 2 раза выросла сумма автокредитов

India open account at Shotgun World Cup with men's trap team bronze

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

India opened their account at the ISSF World Cup for shotgun as the trio of Kynan Chenai, Manavaditya Singh Rathore and Shapath Bharadwaj won the bronze medal in men's trap team event after beating Brazil via a shoot-off.

Mickelson-less Masters leaves Augusta without familiar face

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Phil Mickelson has been as much a part of the Masters as the vibrant azaleas at Augusta National and his absence this week after incendiary remarks about a Saudi-funded golf league will leave the year's first major without a long-time fan favourite.

Sudha Chandran likes playing characters with grey shades. Here's why...

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Sudha Chandran feels that there is nothing like positive or negative shades, because each role is grey and different from each other. The Naagin 6 actor says that while playing a positive part, one needs to really put in a lot of effort to look positive and convincing. She, however, enjoys playing characters with darker shades because that makes it more interesting for her.


Компания «Мария» рассказала о новых решениях для девелопмента на конференции Московского Бизнес-клуба

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Анастасии Ивановой из Олекминска вернут ухо и нос – в Москве готовятся к операции

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Прогулочные маршруты и спортивные площадки: Четырём зелёным зонам на юге Москвы подарили новую жизнь


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