The Wall Street Journal

Новости за 17.12.2020

DEA Widens Path for Medical Marijuana Research

The Wall Street Journal 

The U.S. government is expanding the number of businesses that can grow marijuana for federally approved study after years of delay under the Trump administration.

Risky Loans Secure Private-Equity Payouts Despite Downturn

The Wall Street Journal 

During the Covid-19 slowdown, companies controlled by private-equity firms have borrowed heavily to pay dividends to their owners. The payouts can load their companies’ balance sheets with heavy debt at a precarious moment.

Coca-Cola to Cut 2,200 Jobs

The Wall Street Journal 

Accelerating its restructuring efforts, Coke will make the job cuts through buyouts and layoffs.

Roku Torments Entertainment Giants in Quest to Dominate Streaming

The Wall Street Journal 

The maker of the leading streaming-media player has taken up brash negotiating tactics over its terms to carry services like WarnerMedia’s HBO Max and NBCUniversal’s Peacock. At issue is how to divvy up the spoils of video streaming—and who will reign in the new order of entertainment distribution.

How to End Lockdowns Next Month

The Wall Street Journal 

Target vaccines to the most vulnerable, and don’t give them to people who have already been infected.

Britain Already Is Beyond Brexit

The Wall Street Journal 

Despite tough talks over a trade deal with Brussels, the real excitement in the U.K. is now domestic.

Russia's Putin Dismisses Kremlin's Role in Navalny Poisoning

The Wall Street Journal 

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused political opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was poisoned earlier this year with a military-grade nerve agent, of working with U.S. Special Forces, but provided no evidence.

Dinner From a Can, No Apologies

The Wall Street Journal 

Sick of cooking but craving something sensational? With these Spanish seafood conservas in the cupboard, you’re covered.

Credit Suisse Criminally Charged in Money-Laundering Case

The Wall Street Journal 

Swiss prosecutors allege the lender didn’t comply with provisions against money laundering, allowing a Bulgarian criminal organization to launder money through the bank between 2004 and 2008.

Senators Press IRS for SolarWinds Hack Briefing

The Wall Street Journal 

A bipartisan pair of senior senators asked the IRS to immediately provide them with a briefing about the SolarWinds hack that has ripped through several federal agencies, citing concerns that personal taxpayer information may have been stolen in the breach.

Google Must Silo Fitbit Data, EU Says, Clearing $2.1 Billion Deal

The Wall Street Journal 

EU antitrust officials approved Google’s $2.1 billion acquisition of health tracker Fitbit, but will enforce conditions on the deal aimed at protecting users’ health data and preserving competition in the wearable-tech sector.

Gideon Gartner Told Companies Which Computer to Buy

The Wall Street Journal 

Research guru, who died Dec. 12, formed Gartner to sell advice on information technology in the form of punchy notes, client consultations and eventually mammoth conferences.

Next Year's Korean Zombie Thriller: Its Companies

The Wall Street Journal 

The pandemic has exacerbated South Korea’s burgeoning corporate debt, too much of which is going to ossifying firms and dragging on the country’s economic potential.

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Top Pentagon General Meets Taliban Leaders in Qatar

The Wall Street Journal 

Army Gen. Mark Milley spoke with Taliban leaders to prod stalled peace talks. The meeting came as Taliban-instigated violence is on the rise, military officials said, and just weeks before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

Stock Futures Rise on Stimulus Bets

The Wall Street Journal 

Investors cheered signs of progress toward a fresh stimulus package that could gird the economy until the end of winter and widespread vaccinations have the potential to bring the virus under control.

Macron Tests Positive for Covid-19

The Wall Street Journal 

French President Emmanuel Macron tested positive for Covid-19, his office said, delivering a blow to a country that has been among Europe’s hardest hit by the pandemic.

DoorDash, Grubhub, Others Could Face Pared-Down Menu

The Wall Street Journal 

Investors bidding up newly public shares of DoorDash and its competitors shouldn’t take for granted the historically fragile relationship between food-delivery platforms and the restaurants they serve.


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