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Новости за 09.01.2018

US to Further Probe 'Health Attacks' Against Diplomats in Cuba

Voice of America 

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will convene an accountability review board to probe the health attacks on 24 diplomatic personnel in Cuba, the State Department said Tuesday.   During a Senate hearing regarding the attacks, senators from both parties slammed State Department officials for a "sluggish" and inadequate response to what Tillerson has called "targeted attacks". U.S. investigators believe American diplomats and others in Havana may have been attacked by a sonic weapon earlier... Читать дальше...

Army Veteran Pulls Over, Stands For WWII Veteran’s Funeral Procession


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A touching photo spreading on social media shows a U.S. Army veteran holding his hand over his heart as a procession for a fellow veteran passes by. The man, identified as nine-year Army veteran Bradley Faulkner, pulled his semi-truck over on Interstate 70 and gave the patriotic salute, WMAZ reports. Kristen Collins, granddaughter of deceased World War II veteran Fred Ladage, snapped the photo on Friday and posted it on Facebook. The post reads, “While in […]

Former Rangers striker Nacho Novo out of intensive care


Nacho Novo, pictured in 2015, suffered a suspected heart attack at the weekend. Former Rangers striker Nacho Novo is out of intensive care and "looking much better" after suffering a suspected heart attack on Saturday, staff at his bar have said. The 38-year-old was featuring for Rangers in the AOK Traditionsmasters 2018 in Berlin, and was taken ill after they had been knocked out of the round-robin tournament. The Press Association reports that he was rushed to hospital from the Max-Schmeling-Halle arena before undergoing emergency surgery. Читать дальше...

CCTV Footage Captures Avalance near Zermatt, Switzerland. Credit – Twitter/GEOPRAEVENT via Storyful


Zermatt ski resort in Switzerland was forced to shut down on January 9, leaving 13,000 tourists stranded, due to heavy snowfall and high risk of avalanches in the area. This video, captured by an avalanche monitoring company using high-definition CCTV, shows an avalanche that took place in the same area five days previously, on January 4. As powdered snow begins to fall towards the camera, it is followed by a torrent of heavy snow carrying branches and small trees down the side of the mountain. The Swiss Alps... Читать дальше...

Judge jails Detroit man whose sentence is many years overdue

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

DETROIT (AP) — A judge says she's "trying to get to the bottom" of why a Detroit man hasn't been sentenced yet for manslaughter, six years after he pleaded no contest to the charge. Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway tells The Associated Press that the case is "very strange." Leroy Moon has been free on bond since his plea in 2011, although his plea deal called for a year in jail. Hathaway ordered him to jail Monday while she awaits a pre-sentence report on what the 78-year-old has been doing for all that time. Читать дальше...

Trump health pick wary of government drug price negotiations

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's pick for health secretary is telling senators he's wary of a broad government role in negotiating prescription drug prices. Alex Azar, a former pharmaceutical and government executive, told the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday that he believes drug prices are too high and he's committed to trying to lower them. But he said allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices across the board risks restricting choice for patients, since the government would have to establish a national formulary... Читать дальше...

(Gesamtzusammenfassung - 1800 - mit: Union drängt SPD zu Einigung über Familiennachzug) Trotz Ärgers um Stil: Union und SPD kommen in Trippelschri

Europe Online Magazine 

Eigentlich wollten es Union und SPD anders machen als bei Jamaika: Keine Wasserstände rauslassen, keine Provokationen. Lange gehalten hat das nicht. Am Dienstag werden neue Zwischenstände bekannt.Berlin (dpa) - Union und SPD kommen bei ihren Sondierungen für eine neue Regierung trotz Ärgers über Indiskretionen Schritt für Schritt voran. In einer Fachgruppe verständigten sich Unterhändler darauf, dass es ein Gesetz zur Fachkräfte-Zuwanderung geben soll, wie das «Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland» (RND/Mittwoch) berichtete. Читать дальше...

Gotham City Hierarchy Dominated By Red Sox Fans

Fenway Nation 

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg grew up in Medford, Massachusetts—and former NYC Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is also a Bay State native. Of course, they are both Red Sox fans. Moreover, the current Mayor of Baghdad-On-The-Hudson (Bill de Blasio)—despite being born in New York—was raised in Cambridge. Thus, 'Hizzoner' is also an un-abashed Red Sox fan—in the heart of enemy territory. Now, on top of all this, we find out that the new City Council Speaker in New York—Middleton, Massachusetts native Corey Johnson—is... Читать дальше...

Daughter relieves parents' stress by starting the sweetest dance party


This family may be the key to your 2018 motivations. 

Twitter user (@bluedizzr) thought the best way to alleviate her parents' stress was putting on some music, dancing, and recording the whole thing. 

The result might've helped, but it also calmed our own January woes and added a new resolution on our list. 

SEE ALSO: Mom masterfully trolls her daughter, who's just trying to make a nice video

The family danced to "Love Come Down" by Kid The Wiz, dressed in robes and not missing one single beat. Читать дальше...

CBS taps John Dickerson to replace Charlie Rose on 'CBS This Morning'


CBS Corp. said on Tuesday that CBS News anchor John Dickerson will join "CBS This Morning" as a co-host alongside Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell. Dickerson replaces former morning show co-host Charlie Rose, who was fired by the network back in November following allegations of sexual harassment. Dickerson, who has been the anchor of CBS's "Face the Nation" since 2015, will begin his new role on Wednesday. "Every time I've been on the show, I haven't wanted the conversation with Norah [O'Donnell] and Gayle [King] to end when my segment does.

LI woman who suffocated newborn, stuffed body in bag sentenced to 8 years


MINEOLA, N.Y. — A Long Island college student who admitted to smothering her newborn daughter after a hidden pregnancy has been sentenced to eight years in prison. Sharon Seudat was sentenced Monday in court in Mineola, crying while she voiced her regret for her actions. The 22-year-old could have faced 25 years to life in prison if she were convicted of murder at trial, Newsday reports. She instead pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter. Seudat previously admitted that in March 2016 […]

“The Vagina Monologues”, 20 years on

The Economist 

IN 1996, sitting on a high-backed stool in a tiny theatre in downtown New York, Eve Ensler declared that she was “worried about vaginas”. What followed was “The Vagina Monologues”, a fictional series of accounts based on more than 200 interviews the playwright had conducted with women of different races and ages about their relationship with their bodies. Stories ranged from a chorus of girls’ experiences of their first period to a woman raging against the pressure to shave her pubic hair. One... Читать дальше...

Judge rules striking Spectrum workers not ‘violent or dangerous’

New York Post 

A Manhattan judge refused to bar striking cable technicians from coming within 25 feet of any Spectrum facilities, assaulting workers or damaging equipment​ ​– because she didn’t consider past acts of sabotage “violent or dangerous.” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Kathryn Freed writes in a new ruling that “although Local 3 picketers made some physical contact...

Nigeria Estimates 80 People Killed in Communal Violence

Voice of America 

An estimated 80 people have been killed in communal violence in Nigeria since Dec. 31, police and officials said Tuesday. The clashes are mostly between Muslim cattle herders and Christian farmers over the use of land in parts of the Middle Belt — the country's most diverse region. On Tuesday, President Muhammadu Buhari ordered an increased police presence in the Benue state, Agence France-Presse reported. Similar clashes have taken place across central states in the country, polarizing Nigerians along ethnic and religious lines... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Comedy Club

«В юности у меня были зубы, как у зайца, а потом я их съел». Митя Фомин в Comedy Club на ТНТ рассказал, зачем артисты меняют зубы

Владимир Путин

Путин назвал Москву одним из самых прекрасных городов мира

В России могут обложить налогами зарубежные товары на маркетплейсах

В Подмосковье сдан один из самых долгожданных объектов федеральной автодороги М-5 «Урал»

Машина с тремя людьми пробила ограждение и упала в реку рядом с «Москвой-сити»

Россияне поучат белорусов воевать: Минск отправил своих солдат в боевые центры РФ

Emery backs Lo Celso for key PSG role


Former Real Madrid midfielder Lassana Diarra has been linked with the French club, but their manager has played down the speculation


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Собянин: Около 320 предприятий пищевой промышленности работает в Москве

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Любовь Успенская

Сбежавшая из дома дочь Успенской: «Я испугалась за свою жизнь. Меня преследует неадекватная тираническая мать»

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала победителем столичного чемпионата по мини-футболу спортивного общества «Динамо»

"Динамо" со счетом 4:0 разгромило "Рубин" в матче РПЛ

ЦСКА вновь проигрывает: "Сочи" вырывает победу в серии буллитов

Дарья Касаткина

17-летняя Андреева расплакалась после поражения от Касаткиной в финале турнира

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Спортсмены Центрального округа Росгвардии заняли призовые места на всероссийских соревнованиях общества «Динамо» по самбо и боевому самбо

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