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Новости за 29.03.2018

Khachanov/Rublev To Face Bryans In Miami Doubles Final

ATPWorldTour.com (Tennis) 

Karen Khachanov and Andrey Rublev booked their place in the doubles final at the Miami Open presented by Itau, taking only 44 minutes to dismiss Americans Steve Johnson and Sam Querrey, 6-3, 6-1 on Thursday. Johnson and Querrey had marched into the semi-finals at the season’s second ATP World Tour Masters 1000 tournament without dropping a set.

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Khachanov/Rublev Advance To Miami Doubles Final

ATPWorldTour.com (Tennis) 

Karen Khachanov and Andrey Rublev booked their place in the doubles final at the Miami Open presented by Itau, taking only 44 minutes to dismiss Americans Steve Johnson and Sam Querrey, 6-3, 6-1 on Thursday. Johnson and Querrey had marched into the semi-finals at the season’s second ATP World Tour Masters 1000 tournament without dropping a set.

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A Kenyan Politician Who Was Held In A Bathroom Says He Was Beaten, Drugged, And Deported To Dubai


Simon Maina / AFP / Getty Images

NAIROBI — A Kenyan-born attorney who had been stuck inside a cramped bathroom an airport in Nairobi for the past three days has now been deported from the country and is currently receiving medical care at an airport hospital in Dubai.

It’s the latest in the dramatic saga surrounding Miguna Miguna — a former ally of the opposition party who swore in its leader, Raila Odinga, as the “people’s president of Kenya” but was swiftly deported a week later. Читать дальше...

AP source: Holland, Cards reach $14 million, 1-year deal

Times Union 

NEW YORK (AP) — Less than two hours before the start of their season, the St. Louis Cardinals found a closer. Greg Holland and the Cardinals agreed to a $14 million, one-year contract Thursday, according to a person familiar with the deal. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the agreement was pending a physical and had not been announced. A three-time All-Star, Holland was a free agent after leading the National League with 41 saves last year for Colorado. His addition would be a major... Читать дальше...

Malala Yousafzai makes emotional return to Pakistan

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, who was shot 5½ years ago by Pakistani Taliban militants for championing girls’ education, made a surprise return to her home country Thursday for the first time since the attack. Yousafzai, 20, broke down in tears in an emotional speech at the Pakistani prime minister’s office, saying she dreamed of coming home and would continue to fight to raise the number of girls in school. “I am very happy, and... Читать дальше...

Brose Bamberg verliert letztes Euroleague-Heimspiel gegen Mailand

Europe Online Magazine 

Bamberg (dpa) - Brose Bamberg hat das letzte Heimspiel in der Basketball-Euroleague verloren. Der deutsche Serienmeister unterlag am Donnerstag dem italienischen Pokalsieger Olimpia Mailand mit 78:83 (43:43) und kassierte am 29. Spieltag die 18. Niederlage. Für beide Mannschaften ging es nach dem jeweils verpassten Einzug in die Playoffs um nichts mehr.Vor 6150 Zuschauern fiel die Entscheidung erst im Schlussviertel, als die frühere Mannschaft von Bamberg-Trainer Luca Banchi die stärkeren Nerven zeigte und am Ende verdient gewann. Читать дальше...

No more valedictorians? School district considers getting rid of class ranks


Virginia Beach, Va. (WTKR) — Class ranks, including the designations of valedictorian and salutatorian, would become a thing of the past if a proposed policy is approved by the Virginia Beach School Board. In the policy, presented to school board members on March 27, numerical class ranks will no longer be calculated. Instead, the school system will move to a Latin Honors system widely seen in colleges and universities. That system would designate students with a 3.5-3.75 cumulative grade point […]

11 great cruise deals under $100 that will make you want to pack your bags


Filed under: Lifestyle, Travel, Vacation Ideas

Is a budget-friendly cruise on your 2018 agenda? Despite the hurricanes that hit some areas this past year, it's "full steam ahead" for the 2018 season. Sailing during the so-called "shoulder months" can save a lot of cash. That means avoiding the Caribbean from June through August, when there will be a significant spike in prices due to summer break, according to experts at Cruiseline. Think May and September for destinations such as Alaska, and April, May, and October for Europe. Читать дальше...

Ready Player One is a fun romp that’s even more dystopian than it realizes


Why are we supposed to be rooting for the real world’s destruction?

Ready Player One, both the 2011 novel and the new film adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg, are all about pop culture nostalgia, specifically the sort that regards the 1980s as the apex of awesome.

So in one sense, I’m definitely not its target audience. I was indeed born in the early ’80s but grew up in a virtually pop culture-free world. If the fun most people derive from Ready Player One comes from recognizing the references... Читать дальше...

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Lamar Jackson is a QB only, and everybody understands ... or do they? - Sporting News

Sports - Google News (us) 

Sporting News

Lamar Jackson is a QB only, and everybody understands ... or do they?
Sporting News
March 29, 2018 3:49pm EDT March 29, 2018 3:49pm EDT Lamar Jackson at his Pro Day reinforced the point that he has no desire to feed the notion that he could play wide receiver in the NFL. Regardless, four weeks before the draft, it's still being ...
Nick Caserio attends Louisville pro day to probably scout QB Lamar JacksonWEEI.com (blog)
Lamar Jackson Seems... Читать дальше...

France's World Cup hopes depend on young players - Laurent Koscielny

ESPN FC: Arsenal 

ESPN FC's Julien Laurens thinks France's depth is good enough, but their inconsistency keeps them out of the top tier of teams. ESPN FC's Craig Burley and Mark Donaldson go head to head to predict the outcomes of Germany-Brazil, Spain-Argentina, Russia-France and more. Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny has warned France's talented youngsters they must change their attitude for the team to flourish at this summer's World Cup. France have Paris Saint-Germain's Kylian Mbappe, Barcelona's... Читать дальше...

Thousands take to streets of Ireland for #IBelieveHer protest after rugby stars are CLEARED of rape - Mirror.co.uk

Sports - Google News (uk) 

The Independent

Thousands take to streets of Ireland for #IBelieveHer protest after rugby stars are CLEARED of rape
Thousands of men and women have taken to the streets in Dublin to protest Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding's not guilty verdicts. Ireland international rugby union stars Jackson and Olding were cleared of rape on Wednesday following a nine week trial at ...
Rugby rape trial: Heart-stopping moment when verdicts arrivedBelfast Telegraph
Protests... Читать дальше...

NFL Draft 2018: Defensive Lineman Rankings and Analysis - Sports Illustrated

Sports - Google News (us) 

Sports Illustrated

NFL Draft 2018: Defensive Lineman Rankings and Analysis
Sports Illustrated
Which defensive line prospects have the pass-rushing abilities that so many NFL teams look for? Who has a high ceiling, giving him room to be coached? By Pro Football Focus. March 29, 2018. The MMQB is teaming up with Pro Football Focus for The MMQB ...
2018 NFL Draft: 5 potential trades teams should be discussingNFL.com
2018 NFL Draft needs: Roster holes Rams... Читать дальше...

From Spain: Arsenal could sign Real Madrid star in £35m deal

Arsenal News 

According to reports in Spain via TeamTalk, Real Madrid are ready to sell Luka Modric in a £35m deal with Arsenal hoping to sign the former Tottenham midfielder this summer. Modric has been one of the best midfielders on the planet since joining Madrid from Spurs in 2012 having helped them win a number of trophies including 3 Champions League titles. However, the Croatian international’s future at the Bernabeu is in doubt as he’s tipped to be a high-profile casualty of Zinedine... Читать дальше...

Anti-Israel Boycott Group Demands Netflix Drop ‘Fauda’ for Supporting ‘Colonialism and Apartheid’

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A movement to boycott Israel is demanding that Netflix drop the hit Israeli show “Fauda” from its platform or face legal action, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Thursday. In a letter Wednesday, the international Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, or BDS, cited what they said is the show’s complicity in Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory. “Fauda,” BDS wrote, serves as “racist propaganda for the Israeli occupying army and displays aggression towards the Palestinian people, and... Читать дальше...


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