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Новости за 11.05.2018

Tech and health care firms drive more gains for US stocks

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

A broad rally drove U.S. stocks solidly higher Thursday for the second day in a row, extending the market's gains for the week. Technology companies, which have led the market this year, contributed the most to the rally. Health care stocks and banks also accounted for a big slice of the market's gains as investors sized up the latest company earnings and economic news. Crude oil prices rebounded after an early slide. The S&P 500 index rose 25.28 points, or 0.9 percent, to 2,723.07. The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 196.99 points... Читать дальше...

All the TV shows that have been canceled in 2018



As the year flies by, the list of canceled TV shows is piles up.

Networks are starting to make announcements in May, including Fox which just canceled comedies "The Mick," "Brooklyn Nine Nine," and "The Last Man on Earth."

Amazon kicked off the year with a slew of cancellations, announcing the end of three quirky comedies, including the Golden Globe nominee "I Love Dick" and the comedian Tig Notaro's semi-autobiographical show, "One Mississippi." It canceled Golden Globe nominee "Mozart in the Jungle" in April... Читать дальше...

Bravo stars share their Mother’s Day advice

New York Post 

With Mother’s Day around the corner, Bravo stars Andy Cohen, Porsha Williams, and Jill Zarin chime in on the best advice they received from their moms.

Ireland set to play Test ~ Rishab Pant sets Kotla ablaze !!

Paper Blog 

Malahide, is an affluent coastal suburban town on the northside of Dublin city, Ireland and is in news !
Exciting IPL and exhilarating batting by this young man ~ he  was involved in two run outs, and then batted like a man possessed.  Bhuvneshwar Kumar is stingy but today he was torn apart – the last over of his reads : W-4-4-6-6-6 ! – today Bhuvi has leaked runs and Pant scored 43 of them in just 11 balls; against Rashid Khan he scored 27 in 13 balls – he scored 128* of mere 63 balls ...

Eddie Jones issues early warning to Danny Cipriani to fall in line or fall straight back out of the England squad - The Independent

Sports - Google News (uk) 

The Independent

Eddie Jones issues early warning to Danny Cipriani to fall in line or fall straight back out of the England squad
The Independent
Eddie Jones sent an early warning to Danny Cipriani after recalling him to his England squad for the tour of South Africa next month by reminding the Wasps fly-half that “there's always a plane back from Johannesburg” if he fails to fall in line with ...
Eddie Jones tells Danny Cipriani: step out of line and you... Читать дальше...

Watchdog agency signals less focus on student loan abuses

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NEW YORK — The Trump administration signaled Wednesday that it intends to pull back on investigating potential abuses by companies in the $1.5 trillion student loan market. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will shutter its student lending office, according to a bureau-wide memo written by its acting director, Mick Mulvaney. The student loan office at the CFPB had been responsible for returning $750 million in relief. Its responsibilities are being moved under... Читать дальше...

23 celebrities you probably didn't realize appeared in Marvel movies



The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't just full of big stars now. Before Mark Ruffalo was stomping around as the Hulk and Lupita Nyong'o joined the fight in Wakanda, the Marvel movies were filled with celebrities.

Going back 10 years, there have been some pretty big cameos and appearances from actors you may have forgotten about or rising stars you missed entirely unless you did a recent movie binge ahead of the "Avengers: Infinity War" release.

INSIDER rounded up the... Читать дальше...

5 key differences between a machine gun and an automatic rifle


Cpl. Aaron S. Patterson/US Marine Corps

Even within the military, there are people who use the terms "machine gun" and "automatic rifle" interchangeably. While these classifications of weapon share similar functions and mechanics, it's important to understand that they are, in fact, not the same.

In terms of mechanics, machine guns and automatic rifles are both capable of fully automatic fire. But, beyond that, there are some key differences. Due to differences in range and firing rate... Читать дальше...

Former Cleveland Cavaliers GM explains why LeBron James and Kyrie Irving could not co-exist


Adam Glanzman/Getty Images

  • After years of playing on a lousy team, Kyrie Irving wanted a chance to see how good he could be as the leader of a good group, according to the former Cleveland Cavaliers general manager. 
  • But LeBron's return to Cleveland denied Irving that opportunity. 
  • Furthermore, Irving and LeBron's skills overlapped too much to make the pair a natural fit. 

Former Cleveland Cavaliers general manager David Griffin recently made an... Читать дальше...

Buzz kill! High-octane group of Spieth, McIlroy and JT struggle in first round of Players - Golf.com

Sports - Google News (us) 


Buzz kill! High-octane group of Spieth, McIlroy and JT struggle in first round of Players
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Scores were low across the course on a warm, calm Thursday morning at TPC Sawgrass Thursday. Birdies came easy at the Stadium course. But in the early wave's most heralded threesome, tensions were running high.
Players Championship 2018: Dustin Johnson tries new putting technique, posts his career-best round at TPC SawgrassGolfDigest.com
World's... Читать дальше...

Lawyer: 'Defecating' school chief wants to correct record

Times Union 

HOLMDEL, N.J. (AP) — The attorney for a school superintendent charged with public defecation says his client wants to correct some falsehoods about his behavior. Thomas Tramaglini's attorney tells NJ.com that Tramaglini will use a court appearance on May 30 to "rebut some of the falsehoods" that have been spread about him. Attorney Michael Adams didn't specify what those were. The 42-year-old Tramaglini is charged with public defecation, lewdness and littering. Authorities say he was caught last... Читать дальше...

Fusion Apollo Series, truly “The Sum of Audio Innovation”?

Sail Magazine 

Even bolder than the advertising tagline quoted in my title is sentence two of the Apollo press release: “Building on FUSION’s industry recognized True-Marine design philosophy, the new Apollo Series will forever change the face of marine entertainment and set a new standard by which all others will be created.” And the Apollo name and logo even reference the classical Greek god of music. It would all seem immensely pretentious if Fusion hadn’t also gone big with design and audio goodness. But... Читать дальше...

Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong’s side project the Longshot postpones tour

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong has postponed the remainder of the West Coast tour dates for his side project the Longshot, citing a family emergency. The group was scheduled to perform at the Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco on Wednesday, May 9. “One of our band members is dealing with a very serious family emergency,” Armstrong wrote in a post on the band’s Instagram account on Tuesday, May 8. “It’s with heavy hearts we need to announce tonight’s show in... Читать дальше...

Schumer responds to Trump tweet with first lady's words

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Faced with a fresh insult from the president, Sen. Chuck Schumer is responding with the first lady's words. The Senate minority leader tweeted simply "#BeBest" Thursday, after President Donald Trump raged against him on Twitter. "BeBest" is the name of Melania Trump's public awareness campaign to help children. She's focusing on childhood well-being, social media use and opioid abuse. She expressed concern that children can turn to bullying, addiction or suicide when she rolled out the plan this week. Читать дальше...

Nick Collison, plus-minus god and Thunder culture-setter, retires from the NBA - Yahoo Sports

Sports - Google News (us) 

Yahoo Sports

Nick Collison, plus-minus god and Thunder culture-setter, retires from the NBA
Yahoo Sports
Since entering the NBA, Nick Collison has been a lottery pick turned rugged young big man on the Ray Allen-Rashard Lewis-era Seattle SuperSonics, a key rotation player in the meteoric rise of the Kevin Durant-Russell Westbrook-James Harden-era ...
Nick Collison, in his own words: I've had an incredible run. But it's time to go.ESPN
NBA notes: Nick... Читать дальше...

[Women's Golf] Women's Golf earns at-large bid into NAIA National Championship field

Lindsey Wilson Blue Raiders 


COLUMBIA, Ky. – The Lindsey Wilson women's golf received an at-large bid into the 2018 NAIA Women's Gold National Championship, officials announced on Thursday with the release of the championship tournament field.

The Blue Raiders are one of 30 teams to earn a spot in the field that features 156 student-athletes, 18 automatic qualifiers, 11 at-large teams, six individual qualifiers and a host berth for Keiser (Fla.). At-large teams were determined using the final regular-season Coaches' Top 25 Poll... Читать дальше...

Rolls-Royce suggests using its first SUV to go volcano boarding

The Verge 

After years of teasing and testing, Rolls-Royce has unveiled its first SUV, a boat of a vehicle called the Cullinan that’s named after the largest diamond ever discovered. “The most anticipated car of 2018 and, quite possibly, the most anticipated Rolls-Royce of all time,” according to Rolls-Royce, the Cullinan goes on sale later this year for around $325,000 — roughly 1/100th of the estimated value of the diamond.

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Актерское агентство Киноактер. Актерское агентство в Москве.

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