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Новости за 09.02.2022

Futurama Revived at Hulu

Блог сайта «Face Tube is a fun name,» 

Futurama is getting another shot at life.

Almost 10 years after concluding for a second time, Hulu has placed an order for 20 new episodes of the beloved animated series.

Production is set to commence this month for a 2023 premiere, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Billy West, Katey Sagal, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr, and David Herman will all return.

John DiMaggio is in negotiations to return, but THR states the deal has not been finalized. Читать дальше...

Researchers show that generalist species are 'jack of all trades and masters of all'


Life has two choices: Survive or go extinct. And surviving isn't easy. Scientists often debate why species become specialized or generalized in regard to their diet. Specialist species may be better able to procure food by hunting prey or selecting leaves. However, being a generalist allows animals to adapt to how much food is available. Both paths have tradeoffs. Generalists are essentially "jacks of all trades and masters of none," while specialists are masters of their specific trade.

Southern Nevada boys, girls basketball rankings

Las Vegas Review-Journal 

The Bishop Gorman, Las Vegas and Somerset Losee boys remained No. 1 in the Southern Nevada rankings, while the Centennial, Las Vegas and Moapa Valley girls stayed on top.

Alex Lacazette confirmed as new Arsenal captain after Aubameyang exit… but admits FOUR team-mates could succeed him


ARSENAL boss Mikel Arteta has confirmed that Alexandre Lacazette will remain as the club’s captain until the end of the season. The 30-year-old inherited the armband from Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang after the Gabon international was axed as skipper in December due to disciplinary issues. And with the ex-Borussia Dortmund marksman leaving to join Barcelona, Arteta has […]

NY clamps down on businesses offering marijuana as a 'gift'

The Independent 

While New York works on launching a legal market for recreational marijuana, some entrepreneurs have jumped into a legal gray area by saying they’re not selling pot but are giving it away while people buy something else

UN: Build on Islamic State chief's death to thwart recruits

The Independent 

The U.N. counterterrorism chief says it’s crucial to build on the momentum following last week’s death of the leader of the Islamic State extremist group and address the grievances that terrorist groups exploit to attract new followers

Antarctic research links warming to fish decline


A long-term study in the Southern Ocean reveals a clear correlation between warming waters, decreased sea ice, and reduced abundance of Antarctic silverfish. These small, abundant fish are important prey for penguins, seals, and other regional marine life, in a role similar to that played by anchovies or sardines in more temperate waters.

'Molecular Velcro' enables tissues to sense and react to mechanical force


The Velcro-like cellular proteins that hold cells and tissues together also perform critical functions when they experience increased tension. A new University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign study observed that when tugged upon in a controlled manner, these proteins—called cadherins—communicate with growth factors to influence in vitro tumor growth in human carcinoma cells.

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Bloomberg: Вашингтон изучает вопрос запрета на импорт российского урана

В АТОР заявили о росте популярности санаториев

Ford Performance NASCAR: David Ragan Daytona 500 Advance

Speedway Media 

David Ragan will be driving the No. 15 Ford Mustang for Rick Ware Racing in next week’s Daytona 500, marking the 16th consecutive year he’ll compete in The Great American Race. He was a guest today on a NASCAR Zoom call to discuss the opportunity and his plans for the rest of 2022.

The NFT Accounts Of The Couple Who Allegedly Tried To Launder $4.5 Billion In Stolen Crypto Have Disappeared - BuzzFeed News

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. The NFT Accounts Of The Couple Who Allegedly Tried To Launder $4.5 Billion In Stolen Crypto Have Disappeared  BuzzFeed News
  2. Feds arrest a New York couple and seize $3.6 billion in stolen cryptocurrency  CNN
  3. Alleged crypto launderer Heather Morgan led a second life as the world's worst rapper  Engadget
  4. Business Rapper Was Bad at Bitcoin Laundering  Bloomberg
  5. U.S. arrests millennial couple for allegedly laundering bitcoin from $4.5 billion heist  The Week Magazine
  6. View... Читать дальше...


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