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Новости за 28.02.2022

NHL Condemns Russian Invasion Of Ukraine, Suspends Partnerships

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

The impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been felt far beyond two nations’ borders, and the sports world hasn’t been insulated from the fallout. With a large number of Russian players among its ranks and numerous partnerships within the country, the NHL on Monday issued a statement condemning Russia’s aggression and hoped for a […]

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Who is Senator Dick Durbin’s wife Loretta?


SENATOR Dick Durbin lives in the public eye, but his wife, Loretta Schaefer Durbin, has kept a much lower profile. She’s worked in Illinois for most of her career, starting as an assistant to two Democratic lawmakers before branching into the lobbying business. Who is Senator Dick Durbin’s wife Loretta? Loretta lives in Springfield, Illinois, […]

Why you never dance with devils


The reckoning has finally come for the sports organizations that have played footsie with autocratic nations. And not just FIFA and the International Olympic Committee, but for the Premier League, Formula One, and any sports league that has cashed checks from questionable international sources while pretending…

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EcoFest West Returns With More Than 100 Events


Excitement is building for EcoFest West, which makes its return for the eleventh year running this year. Outdoor experiences, whānau activities and interactive workshops will be on offer from Saturday 19 March to Sunday 17 April, as part of the month-long ...

Biden celebrates Black History Month at White House event


President Joe Biden will mark Black History Month with an event at the White House on Monday, just on the heels of announcing he plans to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Black woman, to the US Supreme Court.

Washington Confronts Ukraine’s Worsening Humanitarian Crisis

The New Republic 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, closely watched by its European neighbors and the rest of the world, has prompted a mass exodus of hundreds of thousands fleeing their homes. In all likelihood, this will become the greatest displacement of European people since World War II. As the situation evolves, the United States will have to calibrate its response to the conflict, not only with crippling sanctions targeting Russia and military aid to Ukraine but with assistance to address the growing humanitarian crisis. Читать дальше...

George Paton: Our receivers have to be better, and they know that


The Broncos don’t yet know who their quarterback is going to be in 2022. They do know that their receiving corps will have to be better to help whomever that is. The Broncos ranked 19th in passing offense last season. They got uneven play from Teddy Bridgewater and Drew Lock, but the team expected more [more]

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов

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