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Новости за 08.08.2022

2022 MotorcycleMania Returning to Eddyville 8/12-14

Dragbike Magazine 

Trick-Tools MotorcycleMania Eddyville Raceway Park, Iowa, USA August 12-14, 2022 MotorcycleMania Returning to Eddyville Emerging out of Iowa’s tall, August cornfields, they come to compete. Not just baseball players on fields of dreams, but the nation’s best motorcycle drag racers on Eddyville Raceway Park’s rural eighth mile of acceleration action. Last year’s inaugural Trick-Tools MotorcycleMania […]

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Firaxis developed Marvel's Midnight Suns has been delayed again - Eurogamer.net

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Firaxis developed Marvel's Midnight Suns has been delayed again  Eurogamer.net
  2. Marvel's Midnight Suns Delay Could Mean a 2023 Release Date on PS5, Later on PS4  Push Square
  3. Marvel's Midnight Suns Delayed (Again), Switch Version To Arrive At A "Later Date"  Nintendo Life
  4. Marvel’s Midnight Suns has been delayed, with no new date issued  Video Games Chronicle
  5. 'Marvel's Midnight Suns' has been delayed again  NME
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

Bulldozers raze parts of flat of absconding Noida neta, residents want Shrikant Tyagi arrested at the earliest

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The decision to send bulldozers to the Noida condominium to raze parts of the posh apartment of absconding neta Shrikant Tyagi drew questions from various RWAs, which pointed out that the practice of making illegal extensions and additions to flats is rampant across the city and the action against Tyagi should be replicated in other cases of violations too. Officials said in Tyagi's society alone, Noida Authority has issued notices to over 200 residents in the past on illegal constructions.

Climate change can make most human diseases worse

The Verge 

Photo by Stefan Jaitner/picture alliance via Getty Images

Polio is back, monkeypox isn’t slowing down, COVID-19 is still around — and now there’s more not-so-good news on the infection front: over 200 human diseases could get worse because of climate change, according to a new study.

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FEI_Global: My oh my, Lottie Fry!-- Just when we thought no-one could top Cathrine Dufour's stunning test, up pops Lottie. -- The judges loved watching Glamourdale as much as we did and scored the pair 82.508%. Get all the goss-- https://t.co/R0Y

Federation Equestre Internationale 

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My oh my, Lottie Fry!???? Just when we thought no-one could top Cathrine Dufour's stunning test, up pops Lottie. ???? The judges loved watching Glamourdale as much as we did and scored the pair 82.508%. Get all the goss???? https://t.co/R0YxnXPWOE #ChampionsAsOne #Herning2022 https://t.co/GGyWkzrTsG

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State senators to get a harsh reality check as their own workers unionize

New York Post 

Labor leaders were giddy when a group of state Senate employees last month announced their intent to unionize. But if the group achieves its objective — to subject senators to the sweeping union rules Albany imposes on local governments and schools — the result may be more than what labor bargained for. About 80 of...


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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