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Новости за 15.05.2023

Proposed change to forest law will boost oil exploration


India's hydrocarbon exploration could be boosted by a proposal to amend the forest conservation law.The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill envisages seismic surveys would not be treated as a non-forest activity but explorers would be granted prompt access to forests, cutting time-consuming permit seeking. A seismic survey is the initial stage to determine evidence of economically viable hydrocarbon resources below the ground.

Late for Work 5/15: Pressure Is on Ravens' Offense

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Kyle Barber Zrebiec: "No More Excuses" For Ravens Pass Game

This offseason, the Ravens have supplied Lamar Jackson with a litany of weapons, beginning with the hiring of Offensive Coordinator Todd Monken. From there, it stemmed into signing two free agent wide receivers, Nelson Agholor and Odell Beckham Jr., before drafting wide receiver Zay Flowers.

These moves, in addition with the offens

Missouri GOP fails to sabotage abortion amendment—for now

Daily Kos 

Following a string of progressive victories at the ballot box and the launch of a campaign to overturn Missouri's near-total ban on abortion, Republican lawmakers tried but failed to pass an amendment Friday that would make it harder for voters to amend the state constitution via ballot initiative in the future. But while that effort collapsed on the final day of this year's legislative session due to GOP infighting, Republicans will almost certainly try again next year, continuing the party's... Читать дальше...

4 Oilers Who Raised Their Stock in 2023 Playoffs

Wildcats Youth Hockey Website 

The Edmonton Oilers were eliminated in 12 games this season and failed to reach the Western Conference Final this time around. While it is disappointing with the very good team…

7 Oil Stocks to Snatch Up Before They Bounce Back


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Although energy prices may be deflated now, some experts believe the sector hit bottom, thus incentivizing oil stocks to buy.

The post 7 Oil Stocks to Snatch Up Before They Bounce Back appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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Turkish pollsters failed to predict outcome, in shock for markets and voters

Cyprus Mail 

The result of Turkey’s presidential vote bore no resemblance to pollsters’ forecasts which pointed to the opposition candidate in the lead, compounding the surprise for markets and voters alike when President Tayyip Erdogan emerged ahead in the race. With a runoff set for May 28 between Erdogan and Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the forecasts are being disregarded...

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Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре


Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже

Эксперт Крутов оценил проект строительства участка на Южной рокаде и МСД

Мизулина попросит СК проверить рэпершу Hofmannita из-за поцелуев с девушками

Масалитин: «В ЦСКА сейчас нет лидеров на поле»

"День Европы": В Молдавии стирают память о Великой Отечественной войне, как и в Казахстане

MVA leaders to follow Sharad Pawar's advice on early seat-sharing talks for Lok Sabha polls


The MVA meeting at Pawar's residence in Mumbai on Sunday, in the backdrop of both the SC order on the Shiv Sena split case and the Congress ousting BJP in Karnataka, decided that representatives of the three alliance partners will start, from this week, the formal negotiations aimed at hammering out their LS poll seat-sharing formula, people privy to the development said.


Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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