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Новости за 23.05.2023

Artifact will now let you flag clickbait articles


Artifact, the AI-powered news app from Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, has launched a new feature which will let users flag articles they think are clickbait. Users can find the option to flag something as clickbait in the three dots menu in an article or by pressing and holding on to an article […]

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Interview with former Luxembourg national basketball player: 'The partnership between Cape Verde and Luxembourg is significant and long-lasting'


Luxembourg welcomed Cape Verdean President José Maria Neves and his wife, Débora Katisa Carvalho, as they embark on a state visit that commenced on Tuesday and will extend until Thursday. Our colleagues from RTL.lu spoke with Nelson Delgado, a former Luxembourg national basketball player with Cape Verdean roots, about the relationship between the two countries.

Whirlpool Therapy Boot Set and Compressor

Greg Glue's Polo Splice 

 Portable whirlpool can be used on one leg or both legs

The compressor motor has sufficient whirlpool power to reduce muscle stra..

Price: £537.50

Panthers optimistic about Aleksander Barkov for Game 4

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Florida Panthers captain Aleksander Barkov is not expected to be sidelined for long due to a lower-body injury sustained in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals, coach Paul Maurice told WQAM in Miami on Tuesday. Barkov was injured following a seemingly innocuous hit along the boards by Jack Drury during the first period of Florida's 1-0 victory over the visiting Carolina Hurricanes on Monday. Barkov did not return to

Lauren Boebert denies affair with country singer

Boing Boing 

Citing right-wing Christian country crooner Sean Feucht's flowing locks of hair as the reason she can not be romantically involved with him, rather than his wife and four kids, Lauren Boebert denied any impropriety. Rumors of an affair became public shortly after Boebert announced her divorce from her soon-to-be ex-husband Jayson. — Read the rest

Indy 500 off to fast and fascinating start


Filed under: Motorsports,Racing Vehicles

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Indy 500 off to fast and fascinating start originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 23 May 2023 10:55:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Red and White Kop 

Robb off to Real  ....

Liverpool are vulnerable to losing one of their most influential defenders in the event they miss out on Champions League qualification, with a report claiming Real Madrid are ready to strike.

A 0-0 draw with Leicester on Monday night secured Newcastle’s return to the Champions League for the first time since 2003.


Ways to get around Luang Prabang – Being smart in getting about makes planning a piece of cake!


A Listly List - Located in northern Laos, scenic Luang Prabang city lies on a valley at the juncture of the Nam Khan and Mekong rivers. Having been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994 it keeps welcoming visitors to enjoy the laid-back yet charming ancient capital of the Luang Prabang province. - Cruises on the Mekong River, Taxi Rides, Bike Rentals, Tuk-Tuk Rides, and Exploring Luang Prabang on foot


Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

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Собянин рассказал о строительстве электродепо «Южное» для Замоскворецкой линии

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