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Новости за 08.07.2020

Ivorian Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly dies at 61

France24.com (en) 

Ivorian Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly died Wednesday in Abidjan at the age of 61, the presidency announced on public television. Coulibaly had been picked to be the ruling party candidate in a presidential election planned for October.

Second wave of Covid-19 sweeps Iran, 'affecting the elderly, young and children' (1/2)

France24.com (en) 

While Europe has been slowly reopening after lockdowns meant to halt the spread of Covid-19, Iran is in the grips of a second deadly wave of the virus. Hospitals across the country are filling up and our Observers say, in some regions, they’ve already run out of beds. While the government is still reporting relatively low numbers of cases, our Observers say this just doesn’t reflect the situation on the ground. They report overwhelmed hospitals and towns plunging back into lockdown. Of the country’s 31 provinces... Читать дальше...

Covid-19: The shifting epicentres of the United States

France24.com (en) 

As Covid-19 cases surge in the United States — topping 3 million cases on Wednesday with an 85 percent increase in just two weeks — Inside the Americas brings you a special programme focused on the country's handling of the coronavirus crisis. The US has already recorded more than 130,000 deaths, the highest toll of any country on the planet.

Barter economy: Lebanese turn to Facebook to swap goods for food

France24.com (en) 

With Lebanon plunged into an unprecedented financial crisis that has seen the value of the country’s currency collapse, some have switched to swapping goods and services for food and other essentials online to make ends meet.

Libyan deminers clear Tripoli of hidden threats

France24.com (en) 

Libya’s UN-backed western government has begun cleaning up the capital Tripoli of mines and unexploded ordinance. The United Nations says mines in the area have killed more than 80 civilians and nearly 60 soldiers since the conflict ended. FRANCE 24's Moaz Al-Sheikh and Yuka Royer report.

Trump moves to formally withdraw US from World Health Organization

France24.com (en) 

President Donald Trump on Tuesday formally started the withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organization, making good on threats to deprive the UN body of its top funding source over its response to the coronavirus.


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