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Новости за 30.07.2020

Neo-Nazi violence grows in Berlin immigrant neighbourhood

France24.com (en) 

This June and July, there has been a rise in neo-Nazi attacks in Neukölln, a popular immigrant neighbourhood in southeast Berlin. Almost daily, there have been car fires, as well as several larger arson attacks, and an increase in Nazi tags on buildings. This inspires both fear and outrage in our Observer, who believes the police are uninterested in protecting the local immigrant community.

NASA looks for life on Mars and the lead in space race with China

France24.com (en) 

NASA’s Perseverance rover began its journey to Mars on Thursday with a successful launch from Florida’s Cape Canaveral. The ambitious mission will be NASA’s first to look for signs of past life on Mars and follows China’s own rover mission to the red planet earlier this month.

As French tourists discover Paris, local restaurants discover a demanding clientele

France24.com (en) 

Fear of the coronavirus coupled with travel restrictions have made foreign tourists a rare sight in Paris. Instead it's the French who are converging on the city to re-discover their capital. But the French have tighter purse strings than US or Asian tourists, and they are not spending enough to compensate for the loss of tourism revenue.

Trump tweets about delaying US election over unsubstantiated mail-in vote fears

France24.com (en) 

US President Donald Trump questioned Thursday if the presidential election should be delayed, tweeting unsubstantiated fears that a rise in mail-in voting due to Covid-19 could lead to fraud. The Constitution makes no provision for delaying elections, the rules for which would require an act of Congress to change.

NASA launches Mars rover Perseverance to seek signs of past life

France24.com (en) 

NASA's next-generation Mars rover Perseverance blasted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral on Thursday atop an Atlas 5 rocket on a $2.4 billion mission to search for traces of potential past life on Earth's planetary neighbor.

From the Umayyad Empire to the Ottomans, the masterpieces of Islamic art

France24.com (en) 

From the expansion of the Umayyad Empire in the seventh century until the fall of the Ottomans in the early 20th century, Muslim artists produced a stream of masterpieces that circulated across the globe – adorning places of worship, royal courts and the grand residences of the nobility. FRANCE 24 takes a closer look at some of the treasures of Islamic art.


В международный день врача прошла премия THE MEDICAL STARS AND BEAUTY AWARDS

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Юрий Башмет

Дирижер Башмет добился выселения из своей квартиры прежних жильцов

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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