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Новости за 01.01.2022

First Day Duties: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Halts Media Engagement to Report Assault

Sputnik International 

On Saturday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams held his first formal address to the public, vowing to abandon divisive rhetoric and tackle the everyday issues plaguing the five boroughs, such as economic inequality, crime, and underfunded schools. Adams also emphasized that the city will remain "open," despite the current surge in COVID-19 infections.

NFL Coach, Player Dan Reeves Dies at 77

Complex.com (sports) 

The longtime NFL coach died of complications from dementia, according to former Falcons media relations director Aaron Salkin, who released a statement.

Starrah – Make Time

Bridgwater Town FC 1984 

DOWNLOAD MP3: Starrah – Make Time  Did You know that Starrah dropped a brand new song titled “Make Time” MP3 already trending globally available for your mp3 download fans.  Starrah comes through with a new hip hop song titled “Make Time”. DOWNLOAD MP3 About Starrah, known professionally as Starrah, is a rapper, singer, and songwriter, […]

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Imlie update, January 1: Aryan consoles Imlie

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The episode begins with Anu humiliating the Tripathi family. Anu then says she is very happy with Aditya and Malini’s wedding. She even insults Imlie and her mother and call them servants. On the other hand, Aditya and Malini‘s wedding concludes.

First Case of “FluRona” Detected in Almost-Fully Vaxxed Israel, Virus is Supposedly a Hybrid Flu-Coronavirus – Here We Go Again

The Gateway Pundit 

Here we go again. Israel – which became the first country to begin administering a 4th dose of the experimental vaccine and is one of the most vaccinated areas in the entire world – has recorded the first case of what health officials are calling “Flurona” – a mixture of two diseases, influenza and coronavirus.…

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Protesters mourn assassinated general by burning US flags

RT (Daily news) 

Thousands of protesters have descended on Baghdad to mourn the killing of Iranian Quds Force leader Maj.Gen. Qassem Soleimani on Iraqi soil, marking the death of the beloved military leader by calling for the US to leave Iraq.
Read Full Article at RT.com

Lottery results and numbers: Lotto and Thunderball draw tonight, January 1, 2022


THE NATIONAL Lottery results are in and it’s time to find out who has won a life-changing amount of money tonight (January 1, 2022). Could tonight’s jackpot of £4.1million see you handing in your notice, jetting off to the Bahamas or driving a new Porsche off a garage forecourt? You can find out by checking […]

Музыкальные новости
Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Источник 360.ru: смертельное ДТП случилось в Зеленограде

Кандалакшские гимнастки показали себя на турнире «Искусство побеждать» в Москве

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Кулубаев обсудил с министром правительства Москвы условия труда кыргызстанцев в РФ

Kamakura Kannon

Japan Today 

Visitors are dwarfed by a giant statue of Kannon (Bodhisattva) at Ofuna Kannon-ji Temple in Kamakura on Saturday. People visited the temples and shrines in Japan to offer…

Austrian Holocaust Survivor ‘Mrs. Gertrude’ Dies at 94

Voice of America 

The Holocaust survivor Gertrude Pressburger, who became famous during Austria's 2016 presidential campaign with a video message in which "Mrs. Gertrude" warned of hatred and exclusion triggered by the far right, has died at 94. Pressburger died Friday after a long illness, her family told the Austrian press agency APA on Saturday.  Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen tweeted that "the death of Gertrude Pressburger fills me with deep sadness ... Mrs. Pressburger had the courage to tell her story as a Holocaust survivor. Читать дальше...


Героическое участие армян в СВО. Часть третья

Губернаторы России

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Собянин сообщил о масштабных планах благоустройства территорий школ и детсадов

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The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones — Rock And A Hard Place

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов

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