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Новости за 26.01.2022

23 face federal charges in alleged car crash scheme


Twenty-three people have been charged in connection to a staged automobile crash scheme and for allegedly obstructing the FBI’s investigation that followed. According to a federal indictment unsealed on Monday, 22 of those...

The Roar Of The Russian War Machine Cannot Hide Kremlin Insecurities

StopFake.org (en) 

By EU vs Disinfo There is no crisis in Ukraine, but a naked Russian attempt to overthrow structures that uphold peace in Europe. The ultimatums presented back in December 2021 in the disguise of so-called treaties with the US and with NATO, and the diplomatic messages that have emanated from Moscow since, make clear that the Kremlin is […]

Will the COVID-19 pandemic make waste management more uncontrollable?


The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed our lifestyle, and even the environment around us, such as the reduction of carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions and the alleviation of water pollution. A more obvious change is that the production of waste related to pandemic prevention has increased significantly. For example, the main component of disposable masks we use every day is plastic fiber. It is estimated that hundreds of billions of masks are used every month around the world. As the largest producer of masks... Читать дальше...

When light loses symmetry, it can hold particles


Optical tweezers use light to immobilize microscopic particles as small as a single atom in 3D space. The basic principle behind optical tweezers is the momentum transfer between light and the object being held. Analogous to the water pushing on a dam that blocks the stream, light pushes onto and attracts objects that make the light bend. This so-called optical force can be designed to point to a certain point in space, where a particle will be held. In fact, the optical trapping technique has so far won two Nobel Prizes... Читать дальше...

Trump’s censorship czar for TRUTH social media once sued a cow over Twitter beef


Devin Nunes, the CEO of Trump’s TRUTH network, a former California politician who once sued an imaginary cow over a Twitter beef, recently declared that the upcoming conservative conversation chamber would be “the most family-friendly of all social media sites.” In order to accomplish this, Nunes says the company’s hired the same artificial intelligence moderation firm as OnlyFans. Yes MAGA fans, Trump’s TRUTH will be censored using the same technology as every other social media site. Oh the irony... Читать дальше...

Man accused of selling gun to Texas synagogue hostage-taker is federally charged

Raw Story 

FORT WORTH, Texas — Nearly two weeks after 44-year-old British national Malik Faisal Akram took a Colleyville synagogue hostage for nearly 11 hours, the Department of Justice announced that a man has been charged with selling the hostage-taker a gun. Henry “Michael” Williams, 32, is accused of selling Akram a semi-automatic Taurus G2C pistol on Jan. 13, just two days before the synagogue standoff that the FBI is investigating as an act of terrorism. The weapon was recovered at the scene after federal law enforcement fatally shot Akram... Читать дальше...

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Анастасия Волочкова

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SumUp Seeks Fresh Capital at $22B Valuation


London-based global payments service provider SumUp could launch a fundraising round that would value the company at about 20 billion euros (about $22 billion), Bloomberg reported Wednesday (Jan. 26). SumUp could push to raise more than 500 million euros (about $562 million) from investors in the proposed funding round, according to the report, a move […]

Go Update Your iPhone Right Now to Fix This Giant Safari Security Bug - Gizmodo

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Go Update Your iPhone Right Now to Fix This Giant Safari Security Bug  Gizmodo
  2. iOS 15.3 now available to iPhone users, here’s what’s new  9to5Mac
  3. Apple releases software updates to fix security flaws in iPhones and iPads  ABC News
  4. iOS 15.3 is out now, and it fixes a nasty Safari bug  The Verge
  5. Update Safari Immediately  Lifehacker
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News


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