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What Happens When Computers Start Programming Us?


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Our ability to interface between a computer and our brains is expanding, and these companies are looking to be major players in that arena.

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Luctonians v Huddersfield

Luctonians RFC 

A BRACE OF HOME GAMES START THIS WEEKEND Preceded by the Burns Day luncheon (Haggis, Neeps & Tatties?) Luctonians RFC v Huddersfield Rugby Union Football Club Saturday 29th January – Mortimer Park – KO 2:15pm If you can’t get down to #MakeSomeNoise and #BangThoseBoards, you can follow the SCORELINE LIVE on Facebook. #WeareLucs #LucsOnes #MoreThanJustTwenty 

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Apple CEO Tim Cook targeted by possibly armed stalker who came to his home, company alleges

Raw Story 

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Apple has been granted a restraining order against a Virginia woman it said has been stalking Apple CEO Tim Cook for more than a year, emailing him photos of a loaded pistol and trespassing at his home, according to court filings. In its application, Apple accused the woman of “erratic, threatening, and bizarre behavior.” The company included in the application copies of photos, emails and tweets purporting to come from the woman. Apple said in the application that it believes... Читать дальше...

General Bipin Rawat to Satya Nadella: Complete list of Padma Awardees 2022

Business Standard 

President Ram Nath Kovind approved conferment of 128 Padma Awards this year on the eve of the 73rd Republic Day. Following is the list of Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri awardees: Padma Vibhushan (4) SN Name Field State/Country 1 Ms. Prabha Atre Art Maharashtra 2 Shri Radheyshyam Khemka (Posthumous) Literature & Education Uttar Pradesh 3 General Bipin Rawat Civil Service Uttarakhand (Posthumous) 4 Shri Kalyan Singh Public Affairs Uttar Pradesh (Posthumous) Padma Bhushan (17) 5 Shri... Читать дальше...

Cubans keep flocking into Uruguay seeking asylum

«MercoPress» (en) 

The number of Cubans entering Uruguay through the land crossings from Brazil is noticeably on the rise, it was reported Tuesday. According to press reports, so far this year 135 people of that nationality have crossed through the Rivera pass from Santana do Livramento at an average of six individuals daily. Uruguayan Migrations authorities have reported that of the 135 who came in only two went out at a later date. Many of them were carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which added to the migrant services overwhelming. Читать дальше...

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