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Новости за 01.05.2022

It’s Time To Normalize Frequent Job Changes


We need to rethink the concept of staying with one company for the long term. It’s time to normalize frequently switching jobs. Maybe we’ve been looking at work all wrong. Instead of staying for decades at a company, the Great Reshuffle clearly shows that people are quick to quit and make a change.

Second Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper hit on side of road in less than a week


WICHITA (KSNW) -- For the second time in less than a week, a Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) trooper has been hit on the side of the road. According to the Kansas Highway Patrol Facebook page, Master Trooper White had just finished helping someone who had stopped on the shoulder of the Kansas Turnpike, just south [...]

Nintendo Switch Sports smashes to No.1 | UK Boxed Charts - GamesIndustry.biz

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Nintendo Switch Sports smashes to No.1 | UK Boxed Charts  GamesIndustry.biz
  2. Random: Nintendo Switch Sports Contains A Neat Easter Egg In Its Credits  Nintendo Life
  3. Nintendo Switch Sports Review: Motion controlled madness returns in a fun but fleeting sporting title - James Ide - Mirror Online  The Mirror
  4. Switch Sports is No 1 in the UK, but it's hard to tell how its predecessors compare | VGC  Video Games Chronicle
  5. UK Charts: Nintendo Switch Sports Takes First... Читать дальше...

Moderna expects ‘large amounts’ of omicron booster available by fall - The Hill


  1. Moderna expects ‘large amounts’ of omicron booster available by fall  The Hill
  2. Moderna aims for Fall release for omicron, variant-specific COVID-19 vaccine boosters  Fox News
  3. Moderna's chief medical officer says kids' vaccine data will be ready for FDA by June  Face the Nation
  4. Moderna says its vaccine for ages under 6 will be ready for US review in June  KSL.com
  5. FDA sets tentative dates to publicly review Moderna, Pfizer vaccines  WWLP.com
  6. View Full... Читать дальше...


Orioles Hangout 

Isaac Bellony went 1 for 4 with a homerun, 1 run scored and 2 RBI in Delmarva’s lost at Augusta.  He is the Orioles Hangout MiLB Player of the Day. NORFOLK TIDES (12-12) LOST 10-2 IN GWINNETT – AAA Cadyn Grenier went 2 for 4 with 2 doubles and a run scored. Chris Hudgins went […]

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Inexperienced Early Voting won't run in Kentucky Derby

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Early Voting will not run in Saturday's Kentucky Derby, trainer Chad Brown told reporters on Sunday. Early Voting finished second in the Wood Memorial on April 9 in his third career start but Brown doesn't think the horse is ready for the Triple Crown-caliber race at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky. "As long as the field is staying the way it is, we're going to stick with our original plan," Brown said. "He's a lightl

8 shot dead, 16 injured in weekend shootings in Chicago


Chicago [US], May 2 (ANI): At least 8 people were shot dead and 16 left injured in a number of shooting incidents in Chicago over the weekend, local media reported. The spree of shootings has been recorded from about 5:45 pm on Friday when a 69-year-old man, was shot dead at his residence in South Kilpatrick, NBC Chicago, a local broadcaster reported citing the city police. The victims have included people from all age gr

Lebanon warns the UN that its capacity to care for Syrian refugees is reaching the limit

Royals Blue 

MADRID, May 1. (EUROPE PRESS) – The Lebanese Labor Minister, Mustafa Bayram, has warned the United Nations that the country can barely afford to care for the Syrian refugees living within its borders due to the very serious economic crisis that the Lebanese are going through, and has asked the international institution that increases its […]

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