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Новости за 14.05.2022

Emma Raducanu has been flirting online with French motorbike hunk Fabio Quartararo

TheSun.co.uk (sport) 

TENNIS sensation Emma Raducanu has been flirting online with French motorbike hunk Fabio Quartararo. Petrolhead Emma spotted shots of the 23-year-old MotoGP champion on Instagram and the pair have been exchanging messages. Emma, 19, raced go-karts and then motorbikes as a child and has liked 30 of Fabio’s snaps in the last few months. A […]

Liverpool FA Cup win huge boost for quad bid, says Alisson

The Punch 

Liverpool hero Alisson Becker said the team’s FA Cup final victory against Chelsea on penalties would give them a huge confidence boost as they chase a historic quadruple. The two teams were locked at 0-0 after extra-time at Wembley on Saturday, with clear-cut chances at a premium. Chelsea goalkeeper Edouard Mendy prevented Sadio Mane striking…

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Terrifying video shows wall of dust ENGULF South Dakota town after two people killed when 105mph winds tore through US


TWO people were killed in storms that raged across the Midwest on Thursday after a terrifying video showed a wall of dust engulfing an entire town. Hurricane-like winds, reaching up to 105mph, have torn across multiple states, with deaths reported in South Dakota and Minnesota Straight-line winds have raised havoc from Kansas to Wisconsin, interfering […]

Leigh Centurions • Re: Blake Ferguson is a Centurion

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

ColD wrote:

Good to see you back Monty

Ferguson as won the set for life lottery at leigh as he on the same amount of money a month but I don’t think it will for for 30 years at this rate might only get 3 week

Statistics: Posted by Montyburns — Sat May 14, 2022 8:57 pm

I will die with a massive smile and a big glass of champagne after raising millions for charity, says Deborah James


DAME Deborah James yesterday said she’d had “the most surreal, mind-blowing, humbling five days” of her life — as her fundraiser hit £5.9million. The hero cancer campaigner also said she was getting “weaker and more tired”, but vowed to go out “with a massive smile, no regrets and a big glass of champagne”. Straight-talking Deborah, […]

Justice Thomas Says Abortion Opinion Leak Changed Supreme Court

Voice of America 

Justice Clarence Thomas says the Supreme Court has been changed by the shocking leak of a draft opinion earlier this month. The opinion suggests the court is poised to overturn the right to an abortion recognized nearly 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade.  The conservative Thomas, who joined the court in 1991 and has long called for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, described the leak as an unthinkable breach of trust.  "When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I'm in, it changes the institution fundamentally. Читать дальше...

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Григорий Лепс

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Missing NJ security guard feared someone following him


IRVINGTON, N.J. (PIX11) – The mother of a young New Jersey man who started acting strangely in recent weeks appealed for the public's help Saturday to find her son, 26-year-old Samuel Cedeno. "His behavior changed. He thought someone was following him or wanted to hurt him," Candida Almanzar, Cedeno's mother, told PIX11 News. The worried [...]

Every word Thomas Tuchel said on FA Cup final, Chelsea pride, Silva, Havertz, Werner injuries - Football.London

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Every word Thomas Tuchel said on FA Cup final, Chelsea pride, Silva, Havertz, Werner injuries  Football.London
  2. Jurgen Klopp hails Liverpool's FA Cup final 'mentality monsters' | Thomas Tuchel 'sad but proud' of Chelsea  Sky Sports
  3. ‘I like him a lot’: Werner wishes Chelsea had signed Liverpool 22-year-old  HITC - Football, Gaming, Movies, TV, Music
  4. “There Are No Regrets” | Chelsea 0-0 (5-6) Liverpool | Thomas Tuchel Post Match Reaction  Chelsea Football Club
  5. Thomas... Читать дальше...


Героическое участие армян в СВО. Часть третья

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