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Новости за 07.06.2022

USB-C devices will have to ask for permission to send data in macOS Ventura - Engadget


  1. USB-C devices will have to ask for permission to send data in macOS Ventura  Engadget
  2. Apple will allow Linux VMs to run Intel apps with Rosetta in macOS Ventura  Ars Technica
  3. Apple explains how it's making your iPhone a full-fledged webcam for Mac  The Verge
  4. Apple's Stage Manager Finally Makes MacOS Multitasking Usable  PCMag
  5. Apple’s iPhone workaround doesn’t excuse bad MacBook webcams  Digital Trends
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Russian cosmonaut who set space endurance record dies


Veteran Russian cosmonaut Valery Ryumin, who set space endurance records on Soviet missions, then returned to orbit after a long absence to fly on a U.S. space shuttle, has died at the age of 82

Wisconsin judge leaves PFAS regulation ruling on hold

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

A Wisconsin judge has agreed to keep on hold his ruling from April that prevented state regulators from requiring businesses and others responsible for pollution by PFAS chemicals to investigate and clean up the contamination. Waukesha County Circuit Judge Michael…

Musk's Twitter deal threats put new financing on ice - Daily Mail

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Musk's Twitter deal threats put new financing on ice  Daily Mail
  2. Elon Musk and Twitter: a timeline of the $44bn deal that threatens to crumble  The Guardian
  3. Musk/Twitter: Wall Street should resist conscription into Elon's war  Financial Times
  4. View Full coverage on Google News

Jeopardy!’s Ken Jennings & Mayim Bialik’s most controversial moments revealed as rivals fight over permanent host gig


JEOPARDY! stars Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik have both gotten more backlash than fans may be clued in to. Here are their SHOCKING controversial moments before a permanent host is picked. Mayim, 46, is Jeopardy! this month after alum Ken, 47, had his prior three weeks at the helm and announced he’d be out for “months.” Ken hosted Canadian champ Mattea […]

USB-C devices will have to ask for permission to send data in macOS Ventura


MacOS Ventura could prove reassuring if you're worried about compromised peripherals ruining your computer. As The Vergenotes, Apple has revealed that Ventura will require user permission before USB-C and Thunderbolt accessories can transfer data on M1- and M2-based Macs. You won't have to fear that someone could deliver malware simply by plugging in a thumb drive, or that a poorly-designed product might wreck your machine by sending bad info.

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Музыкальные новости
Александр Пушной

Кировчанин обыграл телеведущего Александра Пушного и получил деньги

Валерий Гаркалин

Вечная любовь Валерия Гаркалина

Корочка с канцерогенами: как нельзя готовить маршмеллоу

«Голос» и «Москва слезам не верит». Каких артистов мы потеряли в апреле

«Известия» опубликовали кадры с места ДТП с двумя погибшими в Новой Москве

Кандалакшские гимнастки показали себя на турнире «Искусство побеждать» в Москве

Johnny Depp joins TikTok, because of course he does


If Johnny Depp’s recent trial has proved anything (and it’s certainly shed light on some troubling realities), it’s that he knows exactly how to play the fame game. He knows exactly how to stir up his rabidly devoted fanbase, which exists on all corners of the Internet–and lately, quite a few of them live on TikTok.

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District attorney confirms investigation into governor's ad

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

Oklahoma County’s top prosecutor says he’s investigating whether a recent campaign ad by Gov. Kevin Stitt violates state law and ethics rules. David Prater confirmed Thursday he launched an investigation after a bipartisan group of House legislators suggested the ad…


Эхо стрельбы под Цимлянском долетело до Москвы

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Собянин: Более 40 театров отреставрировали и отремонтировали в Москве за 10 лет

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Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок из-за шуток в свой адрес и проиграл

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