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Новости за 22.06.2022

Michael J. Fox to be awarded honorary Oscar


Michael J. Fox will be honored by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for his contributions to film and his efforts to help cure Parkinson's disease.

One-Step Manufactured Meta-Bots with Medical Potential


Engineers at the University of California Los Angeles have developed “meta-bots,” which are fingernail sized robots that can move, sense, and navigate their environment. Strikingly, the robots are essentially ready for use when they emerge from the 3D printer, and consist of piezoelectric actuators that can respond to or generate electricity. The robots consist of […]

Julian Edelman Drops Heartwarming Instagram As Rob Gronkowski Retires

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

Julian Edelman and Rob Gronkowski spent nine seasons together with the New England Patriots, both emerging as offensive focal points alongside quarterback Tom Brady. So, when Gronkowski announced his NFL retirement Tuesday night, it was only a matter of time before Edelman paid tribute to his former teammate via social media. Edelman shared a post […]

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Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome 32 Percent in Psoriasis Patients

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

WEDNESDAY, June 22, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- The global prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) is 32 percent among patients with psoriasis, according to a review published online June 6 in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

Laser 2 questions

SailingForums: Capri/Catalina 14 Talk 

Hello I have recently boat a laser 2 and I have a couple questions.

1: The centerboard is really sticky that you have to use all your strength just to move it. I am just wondering if anyone else has this issue and if there is any way to fix it.

2: The deck is very flexy and if I should get a fiber glassing guy to fix it or this is normal.

Note that this is not the laser 2 regatta it is the older hull.

Sunspot THREE TIMES the size of Earth is facing directly at our planet - Daily Mail

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Sunspot THREE TIMES the size of Earth is facing directly at our planet  Daily Mail
  2. Mind-blowing video reveals 12,000 mile tall plasma tornado shooting from the Sun...  The Sun
  3. Giant Sunspot Facing Earth Has Doubled In Size In Last 24 Hours  LADbible
  4. Dark spot on Sun might destroy the Internet but boffs say it's 'nothing to worry about'  Daily Star
  5. HUGE Sunspot set to shoot Solar Flares to Earth  HT Tech
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

Mega's unbreakable encryption proves to be anything but

The Register 

Boffins devise five attacks to expose private files

Mega, the New Zealand-based file-sharing biz co-founded a decade ago by Kim Dotcom, promotes its "privacy by design" and user-controlled encryption keys to claim that data stored on Mega's servers can only be accessed by customers, even if its main system is taken over by law enforcement or others.…

NBA Rumors: Celtics Reportedly Interested In This Veteran Forward

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

The Boston Celtics might already have their first reported target in NBA free agency. Looking to improve in a couple areas offensively, which president of basketball operations Brad Stevens addressed on Tuesday at his end-of-season press conference, the Celtics are expected to make a run at veteran forward Nicolas Batum, according to Chris Haynes of […]

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Swimming's new transgender policy could impact other sports

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Bans on transgender women in swimming and rugby this week opened the door for track and field to consider following suit in what could turn into a wave of policy changes in Olympic sports. The announcement from swimming’s governing body,…

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Viking ships survived budget cuts

Views and News from Norway 

Norway’s controversial government minister in charge of higher education and research wanted to slash the budget for the new museum planned to house the country’s precious Viking ships. Experts feared the cuts proposed by Ola Borten Moe of the Center Party would not only delay construction of the museum but also damage the thousand-year-old ships, […]


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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Собянин: Более 40 театров отреставрировали и отремонтировали в Москве за 10 лет

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