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Новости за 27.04.2017

Armenian Investigative Committee confirmed the information on EU  Yerevan office worker`s arrest


ArmInfo.Armenian Investigative Committee's Main department on important cases continues preliminary investigation on the criminal case initiated on the fact of monetary means theft in large size from grants' means, released from EU delegation in Armenia, Armenian IC press service informs.  "Within the framework of preliminary investigation, on April 26, 2017  Marine Papyan, the coordinator of EU grant programs in Armenia was  arrested accused of money theft in large size from grants' meant,  released from EU delegation in Armenia"... Читать дальше...

В Лорийской области Ростелеком проводит курсы для поколения 50+ впервые на армянском языке


АрмИнфо.26 апреля в городе Алаверди Лорийской области курсы <Азбука Интернета>, проводимые Ростелекомом, для жителей среднего и старшего возраста (50+) стартовали впервые на армянском языке.  Как сообщили АрмИнфо в пресс-службе компании, длительность курса составила 12 учебных часов, а группы состояли  из десяти участников от 60 до 75 лет. <Ростелеком придает особое значение реализации данной программы в Армении.  Уверен, что все представители нашего общества должны иметь возможность сформировать... Читать дальше...

MFA of Russia commented on upcoming meeting on Karabakh in Moscow


ArmInfo. During the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia is supposed to clarify the positions on the most problematic aspects of settlement  and to orient on further process of negotiations. The Official Representative of Russia MFA Maria Zakharova stated.  According to her, in accordance with the agreements reached earlier  in Moscow, on April 28, the meeting of the foreign ministers of  Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the Karabakh settlement will be  held. "At a certain stage... Читать дальше...

Электросети Армении предупреждают об отключениях 28-го апреля


АрмИнфо. ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает, что в связи с проведением планово-восстановительных работ и во избежание в дальнейшем аварий 28 апреля текущего года будут обесточены: в городе Ереван: 10:00-16:00 жилые дома 32, 34, 35, 36 на ул. Ленинградян, 13, 20А на ул.  Арзуманян, 7, 15/2 на ул. Шинарарнери, 16 на ул. Сисакян, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 на ул. Шираза, улицы Амараноцаин, Зограпа, улицы Ахтанаки 1, 2, 3, 5-9, 11 и Лукашина 1, 2, 3; 10:30-16:30 жилые дома 22, 24, 24/2 на ул. Читать дальше...

Anelik Bank issue new salary cards


ArmInfo.Anelik bank issued new individual salary cards (ArCa Classic, Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Gold Ё Visa Platinum) on special conditions and by special tariff.  As the Bank?s press service told ArmIfno, The card?s holder will have  opportunity to use a number of privileges. In particular, the holder  will be able to purchase linked card for a reduced fee for annual  maintenance; Free cash the money in branches of the bank and ATMs;  Along with the positive balance of the card account is annually  charged 3%. Читать дальше...

Entitled  coupon bonds by Anelik Bank listed on Nasqad OMX Armenia 


ArmInfo. Starting from April 27, 2017, nominal coupon bonds issued by "ANELIK BANK" CJSC( ISIN - AMANLBB23ER0)  with 1 bln AMD extent  will be listed on NASDAQ OMX Armenia and included in the bonds main Abond list. According to  exchange's press- service, the AMD issuance of Bank is allowed for addressed trade and floating transactions.  According to the source, listed securities comprise 20,000 coupon  bonds with nominal value of AMD 50,000, coupon rate of 12.25% and  maturity period of 2 years. Читать дальше...

VivaCell-MTS: registration of domain names in hay zone by  May 31  will total 7 thousand AMD


ArmInfo.VivaCell-MTS informs that by registering domain name in .hay zone by May 31, 2017, one can pay only 7000 AMD for 1 year. The offer is available to the first 100 applicants for registering domains. Recently, VivaCell-MTS launched the updated version of the Company's  official website, also available in an Armenian address MTS.hay,  which is an essential step in promoting the use of Armenian written  language in social media. Registration of domain names in .hay zone  is also aimed at promoting the above-mentioned target. Читать дальше...

Lydian company`s formed consultative group will work on Independent  Advisory Panel monitoring of Amulsar 


ArmInfo.According to Lydian Armenia Company's information, Lydian company's formed consultative group will work on Independent Advisory Panel monitoring of Amulsar. According to the source, Lydian is pleased to announce the formation  of an Independent Advisory Panel comprising Armenian and  international environmental and social performance experts. The role  of the seven member Panel is to monitor the Amulsar project, located  in the Republic of Armenia, to ensure it fulfills its commitment to... Читать дальше...

Pedro Argamunt is forbidden to hold PACE session with Spanish King


ArmInfo.Pedro Argamunt, Europe Council Parliamentary Assembly chairman is forbidden tohold a session with participation of Spanish King Philip VI, Samvel Pharmanyan, PACE Armenian delegation member wrote in his Facebook wall. "Under the pressure of political forces yet active PACE entity  chairman (surely the last day) Argamunt is forbidden to hold session  which he was looking forward to.  Humiliating situation implemented  to him cleared the suspicions-Argamunt can declare about his  resignation tomorrow", Armenian deputy stressed. Читать дальше...

Director of school after Abeghyan was "severely reprimanded" for  attempting to collect money from parents of pupils


ArmInfo.The director of the senior school after Manuk Abeghyan was "severe reprimanded" for attempting to collect money from the parents of the students, and the head teacher for the school part of the same school Gayane Poghosyan was dismissed for the same reason. The working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia  following the letter from the parents of the school pupils expressing  dissatisfaction with the attempts of the Director of the educational  institution to get money conducted a check at the school... Читать дальше...

Yervand Varosyan: Lawyers` lynching reason is Lawyers` Chamber head  intolerance to criticism 


ArmInfo. Tigran Atanesyan's and Armen Soghomonyan's aggression reason towards the lawyers is the intolerance to any criticism from Lawyers' Chamber Leader Ara  Zohrabyan, lawyer Yervand Varosyan stated during the conversation with ArmInfo's correspondent on April 27, commenting the aggression incident towards his colleagues.  He could not name the concrete reason of aggression, however,  according to him, the reason could be criticizing post in Facebook.   "But the main reason is that Lawyers' Chamber... Читать дальше...

Azerbaijani apples became "bones of contention"


ArmInfo. Azerbaijani apples are being sold at Armenian market under the pretence of Greek and Dutch, Babken Pipoyan, Informed and Protected Consumer Organization head stated during the press conference. According to the expert, the problem is that labels were taken off  the Azerbaijani apples with a note of exporter country and were sold  under Greek and Dutch names, which is a direct violation of the  legislation, as well as a lie towards the consumer.  As Pipoyan stressed,it was already known... Читать дальше...

Карен Карапетян оценил управление лесным хозяйством Армении "неудовлетворительно"


АрмИнфо.Глава армянского правительства Карен Карапетян 27 апреля на заседании Кабмина в очередной раз коснулся темы незаконной вырубки лесов, отметив, что проблема "глубинная", а управление сферой "неудовлетворительное". Премьер заявил о необходимости совершенствования действующей модели управления лесами и приведения ее в соответствие с современными требованиями. По словам Карена Карапетяна, для сохранения лесов в Армении должны быть применены новейшие технологии. "Придаю важность применению новейших научно- технических методов... Читать дальше...

Vigen Sargsyan: the armed solution of any conflicts in 21st century  is unacceptable


ArmInfo.The armed solution of any conflicts in 21st century is unacceptable. According to ArmInfo reporter, this was stated by Vigen Sargsyan, the Armenian Minsiter of Defense, while delivering a speech at the 6th Moscow International  Conference on Security.   "21st century dictates us new trends and new ways of conflicts  settlement, Any solution of any conflicts within the implementation  of armed force is unacceptable, first of all, due catastrophic  consequences of those - human victims and destructions," he  mentioned. Читать дальше...

29-го апреля на площади Свободы стартует акция


АрмИнфо.29-го апреля 12:00 на ереванской площади Свободы стартует акция <Я помню! Я горжусь!>. Как сообщили АрмИнфо в пресс-службе Российско-армянского молодежного единства, акция пройдет в рамках подготовки и проведения мероприятий, посвященных празднованию 72-ой годовщины Победы советских войск в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 годов и ставшей уже традиционной для Армении акции <Георгиевская ленточка>. По словам председателя РАМЕ Гоар Гумашян, с каждым годом к акции присоединяются все больше участников. Читать дальше...

Vazgen Manoukyan received Grand  Orient Mason Lodge Master 


ArmInfo. The Head of Public House of Armenia Vazgen Manoukyan received Christophe Abasm the Master of Grand Orient Mason Lodge.  According to the information shared with ArmInfo at the  press  office of the Public House, during the meeting parties discussed the  issue of Armenian Genocide, worldwide processes and flows, as well as  the social polarization, which is the reason of neo liberalism.   Abas stated he is admired with Armenian nation's desire of justice,  especially in respect to the international... Читать дальше...

An institution of multiple-dwelling buildings specialized   manager  to be established in Armenia


ArmInfo.An institution of multiple-dwelling buildings specialized manager to be established in Armenia. The appropriate offer of the Urban Development Committee has been submitted to Armenian  Government.  Besides, in the process of multiple-dwelling building  amangement it  is proposed to improve the capsulated image of owners. It is planned  also to create the joint system of electronic database, which will  allow to implement the passportization  of all the multiple dwelling  building. The Committee... Читать дальше...

Vigen Sargsyan held a number of meetings in Moscow


ArmInfo.Armenian delegation headed by Vigen Sargsyan, the Minister of Defense, participates in 6th  Moscow International Conference on Security.  According to the information shared with ArmInfo,  Sargsyan held a  number of meetings on the margins of the Conference. Particularly,  the head of defense entity  held a meeting with  Hossein Dehdan, the  Minister of Defense and Military Forces Support of Iran. Parties  discussed the issue of Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement and  stated that there... Читать дальше...

Special representative: EU wishes to supports Karabakh conflict  settlement


ArmInfo. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received  Herbert Zalbert, the special representative of EU on Southern Caucasus and Georgian  crisis. According to the  information shared with ArmInfo at the press office of the Presidential staff, at the beginning of the meeting, President Sargsyan congratulated Herbert Salber on the extension of his mandate by the EU Council and wished him every success. Serzh Sargsyan noted that the work of the EU Special Representative is highly appreciated also in Armenia... Читать дальше...

Institute of Medical Ombudsman is being implemented in Armenia


ArmInfo. One of the priorities of the Armenian government is the establishment of an institute of medical ombudsman in Armenia. As the Armenian Ministry of Health told ArmInfo, on April 26 the  working group presented to the Minister of Health Levon Altunyan the  activity and a schedule of works envisaged in this direction for the  near future. The Minister reported that before the development of the draft  concept of the implementation of the institute of medical ombudsman,  the experience of different countries will be examined once again... Читать дальше...

Viva Cell-MTS together with Fuller Center for Housing helps to solve  housing problem for one more family 


ArmInfo. Owing to the housing project financed by VivaCell-MTS and implemented by "Fuller Center for Housing" Armenia the Hasratyans were able to solve the 15-year  housing problem in 8 months. As the company's press-service informed ArmInfo, before that the  family rented houses in Ijevan, Kapan, Vayq, and currently lived in  the house damaged from explosions in Goris.  "By helping families we reject indifference and send a crucial  message to the society: time needs to be spent for good deeds. Читать дальше...

Number of Molokans living in Armenia has decreased for last ten years


ArmInfo. Almost half of the Molokans living in Armenia left the country for the last ten years. This is evidenced by the data of the National Statistical Service of  Armenia.  If in 2007 5 thousand Molokans lived in Armenia, today in  the republic there are 2872 Russians of Molokan religion. "The social and economic difficulties and the implementation in  Armenia of the State program for the return of compatriots to Russia  are the main reasons for such emigration of Molokans," said Vardan  Asatryan... Читать дальше...


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