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Новости за 02.04.2024

Democratic senator eyeing bill to repeal Comstock Act


Congressional Democrats are strategizing over legislation to repeal the Comstock Act, the 19th century anti-vice law that’s being eyed by conservative activists to potentially enact a national abortion ban. Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said in a New York Times op-ed Tuesday that she wants to introduce a bill “to take away the Comstock Act as...

San Francisco named healthiest city in US


Story at a glance Most Americans are unhealthy, but location matters when it comes to just how unhealthy. A new WalletHub analysis of 182 of the largest cities in the U.S. and found that San Francisco, Calif. Is the healthiest city in the country. WalletHub analysts compared the cities across four areas —...

LGBTQ Americans twice as likely to experience discrimination in health care: Poll


A new survey found that LGBTQ Americans are twice as likely to experience discrimination in their health care. The survey, conducted by KFF, noted that members of the LGBTQ community have historically faced disparities while receiving health care, including challenges to accessing mental and physical health care. “LGBT adults are also twice as likely as...

Florida man sentenced to prison for threatening to kill Supreme Court justice


A Florida man was sentenced to over a year in prison for threatening to kill a Supreme Court justice, the Justice Department (DOJ) announced Tuesday. United States District Judge Marcia Morales Howard sentenced Neal Brij Sidhwaney, 43, of Fernandina Beach, Fla. to 14 months in prison. Sidhwaney pleaded guilty to one count of making an...

Trump teases upcoming abortion announcement following Florida court ruling


Former President Trump on Tuesday teased an upcoming announcement on abortion policy after a Florida court ruling upheld the state’s 15-week abortion ban and allowed an even more restrictive policy to take hold in the coming days. Trump had been asked by a reporter after remarks in Michigan if he supported the state’s six-week abortion...

100+ organizations voice support for Biden judicial nominee Adeel Mangi, condemn 'baseless attacks'


Over 100 organizations expressed support for President Biden’s judicial nominee, Adeel Mangi, and condemned “baseless attacks” against him. In a letter sent Tuesday, 125 national, state and local organizations urged senators to confirm Mangi to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. “Mr. Mangi is fair-minded, brilliant, and has shown throughout his impressive legal career a...

Author Don Winslow says he's retiring to fight MAGA


Crime novelist Don Winslow said he is retiring from the profession after over 30 years to turn his attention to political advocacy and fighting the MAGA movement. The third installment of his Danny Ryan trilogy, "City in Ruins," was released last month and will complete not only the series, but also his writing career, he...

Major poultry farm to cull nearly 2 million chickens after positive bird flu test


One of Texas’s largest poultry farms will cull nearly 2 million chickens this week after a positive bird flu test, the state Agriculture Commissioner announced Tuesday. Cal-Maine Foods in Farwell reported a case of H5N1 bird flu, forcing production at the entire facility to cease. The nearly 2 million chickens account for just under 4...

Oregon recriminalizes small-quantity drug possession. Why?


Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek (D) signed a bill Monday that will once again make it a crime to be in possession of small amounts of illicit drugs — and only years after a measure decriminalizing such offences was passed by voters in the state.

Trump embraces ‘bloodbath’ remark in Michigan to attack Biden on border


Former President Trump on Tuesday embraced the term “bloodbath” as he put the spotlight on President Biden’s handling of the border during a visit to Michigan. Trump, making his first trip to the battleground state since February, painted a bleak picture of a country overrun by migrants under Biden’s leadership and vowed to crack down...

Taylor Swift officially joins Forbes billionaires list


Taylor Swift officially joined Forbes’ World's Billionaires list Tuesday, according to the financial publication. The “Holy Ground” singer ranked at number 2,545 on this year’s billionaires’ list with a net worth of $1.1 billion, in the wake of a massive period of success for the American singer-songwriter. Swift arguably dominated the world of pop culture...

E-cigarette users 20 percent more likely to develop heart failure: Study


People who use e-cigarettes are 19 percent more likely to develop heart failure, compared to those who have never used them, a new study published Tuesday revealed. The data point was included in one of the largest prospective studies to date on the link between vaping and heart failure. The findings of the study are...

Biden faces menthol ban lawsuit after missing deadline


The White House has missed its deadline to publish a rule banning menthol cigarettes, raising ire among public health advocates that the policy will be indefinitely delayed by election year politics.   In an effort to force the administration to act, three anti-tobacco public health groups on Tuesday sued the Food and Drug Administration and its...

José Andrés admonishes Israel for 'indiscriminate killing' after aid workers' deaths


Celebrity chef José Andrés criticized Israel for its “indiscriminate killing” after seven of his charity’s employees were killed delivering aid to civilians in Gaza. “The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon,” Andrés posted...

Virginia Democrat slams proposal to name airport after Trump: 'I'd suggest they find a federal prison'


Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) on Tuesday criticized a recently-introduced GOP bill that would rename Washington Dulles International Airport after former President Trump. “Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges,” Connolly, whose district includes a portion of Dulles, said in a statement. “If Republicans want to name something after him, I’d suggest they find a federal...

Blinken appoints chief diversity and inclusion officer after 10-month vacancy


Secretary of State Antony Blinken has appointed a new chief diversity and inclusion officer at the State Department. The position has been vacant for 10 months, but the department announced Tuesday that Zakiya Carr Johnson will serve as the next chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDIO). Johnson will replace acting CDIO Conny Mayer.  “American diplomacy...

Fed official rules out May rate cut


Cleveland Federal Reserve President Loretta Mester said Tuesday that she is unlikely to support cutting interest rates at the Fed's May meeting. Mester, who is currently a voting member of the central bank’s rate-setting panel, said she does not expect to have enough data by the Fed’s next meeting to determine that inflation is headed...

White House thanks Daily Caller for retracting story on religious Easter egg ban


The White House expressed appreciation for The Daily Caller on Tuesday after the conservative outlet retracted a post that implied the Biden administration had instituted a new ban on religious symbols on Easter eggs during its annual holiday celebration. "It’s important to acknowledge when a mistake has been made and take responsibility for it. So...

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Woman charged with murder after abortion sues Texas county, prosecutor


Lizelle Gonzalez, a Texas woman wrongfully charged with murder in 2022 for a purported self-induced abortion, filed a lawsuit Thursday against Starr County, District Attorney Gocha Ramirez and Assistant District Attorney Alexandria Barrera. Gonzalez, whose last name was Herrera at the time of her arrest, went to the county’s emergency room on Jan. 7, 2022,...

Tesla sales fall amid increased competition


Tesla sales fell last quarter amid increased competition in the electric vehicle manufacturing sector, despite the Austin, Texas, company decreasing prices to bring in more buyers.  The electric car company said it built 433,371 vehicles and delivered 386,810 from January through March this year. The number of deliveries is down from the first three months...

Trump gives remarks on Biden border policies in Michigan: Watch live


Former President Trump is visiting Grand Rapids, Mich., Tuesday for the first of two back-to-back appearances in the Midwest. At the Michigan event, Trump will address a relatively small group of people involved with law enforcement. The former president is expected to speak critically of the Biden administration’s management of border policy, continuing his political...

Democrats target anti-IVF House Republicans with billboard campaign


House Democrats’ campaign arm announced a set of billboard ads Tuesday targeting vulnerable Republicans who backed a bill that would have banned in vitro fertilization (IVF). The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) effort doubles down on the party's attempts to make IVF a key campaign issue ahead of November. The issue came under the spotlight...


Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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