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Новости за 07.04.2024

War in Gaza reaches 6-month mark


Officials and lawmakers marked six months since the militant group Hamas attacked southern Israel, prompting the nation to launch months of retaliatory attacks in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commemorated the six-month mark in an address to his Cabinet. Since the onset of the war, Netanyahu has vowed to eliminate Hamas and has since drawn criticism from the...

Rep. Turner confident FISA bill will pass: ‘This is not a warrantless surveillance of Americans’


House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) is confident that the latest Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will pass in the House, he said Sunday. The Reforming Intelligence and Surveillance Act, unveiled last week, would extend Section 702 of FISA, which allows the government to spy on noncitizens located abroad. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) urged...

Lara Trump: 'We are leaving nothing to chance' this election


Republican National Committee (RNC) co-Chair Lara Trump argued election integrity is "vital" in this current cycle, vowing to dedicate resources to ensure nothing is left to "chance." "But when you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the No. 1 thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which,...

Intelligence Chair Turner on Iran threat: Americans in the area remain in danger


House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said Sunday that Americans in the Middle East remain in danger amid escalating tensions following Israel's alleged airstrike on an Iranian embassy last week. Fears over Iran targeting U.S. interests in the region were renewed last week after an airstrike on the Iranian Consulate next to Tehran’s Embassy...

Abbott: US economy improving is because 'Texas economy is doing so well'


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) appeared to take credit for the boost in the U.S. economy, saying Sunday that the improvements across the country are because his state’s economy is “doing so well.” Fox News host Martha MacCallum pressed Abbott on how the latest jobs report showed that the surge in migrants has helped increase...

Suspect arrested for arson at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Vermont office


A man was arrested Sunday on a federal arson charge related to the fire started Friday at the Vermont office of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Vermont announced Sunday. Shant Soghomonian, also known as Michael Soghomonian, was arrested Sunday after allegedly using fire to damage the building at...

Shift in Guatemala’s leadership spurs fresh focus from US on migration


GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA — Guatemala’s election of a new president is sparking a renewed focus from the Biden administration, which is placing dual pressure on the Central American nation to limit migration and strengthen its borders. Guatemala’s demographics and geography make it a key payer for the U.S. — both as a significant contributor to...

Abbott: Biden is 'using illegal immigrants as political pawns'


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) pushed back on President Biden's argument that the governor is using asylum-seekers as "political pawns," instead claiming it is Biden himself who is doing this. "So the person who's actually using illegal immigrants as political pawns is Joe Biden," Abbott said during an interview with "Fox News Sunday." "Joe Biden...

Sen. Van Hollen calls on White House to ‘lay out’ consequences to Netanyahu


Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) on Sunday said he was glad to see President Biden threaten Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with consequences for wartime activity, but he called on the White House to outline details of what the repercussions would be. “I was glad to see the President, at least as reported out, finally...

Kirby says US looking to hold in-person meeting with Israel in ‘next week or so’


White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said on Sunday that the United States is looking to set an in-person meeting in the “next week or so” after a virtual meeting this past week. The meeting comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled an initial plan for an Israeli delegation to travel to...

DeSantis: Florida 'is a Republican state'


Gov. Ron DeSantis declared Florida "is a Republican state" on Sunday, emphasizing the prevailing dominance of conservative values within its borders. In an interview on Fox's “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo, DeSantis said the state is close to having 900,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats.  “Florida is off the board. It is a Republican...

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Баста: «Я ходил в компьютерные клубы в Ростове. Любимый боец в MK – Шан Цунг»


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Israel is not in compliance, so stop giving it aid


Despite all the credible evidence to the contrary, the State Department decided that Israel is indeed complying with international law and allowing humanitarian aid to Gaza to enter unimpeded.

RNC chair Whatley sidesteps question on if 2020 election was stolen


Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley appeared to sidestep questions over whether the 2020 election was stolen, instead turning his focus to ensuring election integrity in this cycle. NewsNation's "The Hill" anchor Chris Stirewalt, in an interview with Whatley, referenced reports from last month that the RNC was asking potential rehires if the 2020...

Kirby says Biden administration is ‘increasingly frustrated’ with Israeli military conduct


John Kirby, White House national security communications adviser, said there is a growing frustration amid the Biden administration over the way the Israeli military is conducting its wartime operations. In an interview on ABC News's "This Week," co-anchor Martha Raddatz laid out a timeline of statements from President Biden and other cabinet officials that indicate...

José Andrés says aid worker deaths are ‘unforgivable’


Renowned chef José Andrés, founder of the food charity World Central Kitchen (WCK), said the death of a group of aid workers last week in Gaza is "unforgivable" and called on Israel to improve its military communications and do more to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers. "It is unforgivable. I will have to live...


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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«Надо меньше есть!» Певица Ортман раскрыла секрет поддержания хорошей формы

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже

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