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Новости за 14.04.2024

Failure to address antisemitism at George Washington University is a betrayal to students


Shallow excuses for failing to enforce school policy do not suffice. Above all, GW and all academic institutions have the fiduciary duty to protect all its students—including Jewish-Israeli and Zionist students. With lawsuits looming, and reputational damage imminent, the failure to do so may result in serious penalties for GW and its community.

Trump attorney calls hush money case a '6-week-long media extravaganza'


An attorney for former President Trump brushed off the significance of his first criminal trial, which is scheduled to begin Monday, saying the case is merely a “six-week-long media extravaganza.” Trump’s criminal hush money trial will start jury selection on Monday in Manhattan, where prosecutors claim the former president illegally covered up payments made to...

US disputes Iran intended to give forewarning on attacking Israel


The United States rebuked claims Sunday that Iran gave other countries in the region a warning that it would be launching a significant aerial attack against the country on Saturday. Iran did not warn other countries in the region that it would be attacking Israel on Saturday, a senior administration official said in a briefing...

Petraeus says Iran attack is a ‘very big deal’


Former CIA Director David Petraeus called the Iranian attack on Israel a “very big deal” in an interview Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Well, it is significant. It's a very big deal. And I think Israel will have to take some action in response,” Petraeus said. “I think it's very clear that the...

Biden seeks to avoid wider war after Iran strike on Israel


President Biden is hoping to avoid an all-out eruption in the Middle East after Iran sent hundreds of missiles and drones, nearly all of them intercepted, toward Israel in retaliation for an attack on an Iranian facility in Damascus that took out a top general. Biden now has to convince Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

The United States is experiencing a growing OB-GYN shortage. Here's why.


Story at a glance The United States is facing a shortage of obstetrician-gynecologists that is only expected to worsen moving forward. There were about 50,800 OB-GYNs practicing in the U.S. in 2018, already too few to meet the country's rising demand. Roughly 3,000 fewer OB-GYNs will be practicing in the country by 2030, while the...

G7 leaders say Iran attack on Israel risks ‘uncontrollable regional escalation’


The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) warned Sunday that the Iranian attack on Israel risks an "uncontrollable regional escalation." "With its actions, Iran has further stepped toward the destabilization of the region and risks provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation. This must be avoided. We will continue to work to stabilize the situation and...

Sen. Kelly says Arizona abortion ruling is 'all because of Donald Trump'


Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) said on Sunday that last week’s Arizona Supreme Court ruling banning nearly all abortions in the state is a result of actions former President Trump took while in office. “Let me start by saying this has been a disaster for women in Arizona. They've lost a fundamental right to abortion, and...

RFK Jr. says he won't run Libertarian 


Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy is ruling out a Libertarian presidential bid following swirling speculation, his campaign confirmed to The Hill Sunday. "Mr. Kennedy has many areas of alignment with the Libertarian Party, including a strong stance on civil liberties and keeping the country out of foreign wars," Kennedy's spokesperson told The Hill. "Mr. Kennedy,...

Former CENTCOM commander says US forces are ‘vulnerable’ to an Iranian attack


Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie, the former commander of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), warned Sunday that U.S. forces are "vulnerable" to an attack by Iran or one of its proxies. "Our forces distributed across Iraq and Syria, supporting the dark forces of Iraq and anti-ISIS operations and supporting our SDF partners in eastern Syria. Those forces are vulnerable...

John Bolton says Gulf Arab states view U.S. as ‘weak and feckless’


Former national security adviser John Bolton on Sunday emphasized the need for Israel to "decisively" retaliate against Iran and that the United States has so far shown "weakness" when dealing with the threat of Tehran. "I think it's imperative that Israel strike decisively, not proportionately. Not disproportionately, to reestablish deterrence and to convince the terrorist...

Trump’s criminal hush money trial to collide with 2024 campaign


Former President Trump’s legal troubles and his 2024 White House campaign are fully colliding this week, with Trump’s trial in New York City over an alleged hush money scheme set to begin Monday. While Trump is set to spend four days a week in court for the next several weeks, his campaign is planning to...

U.S. ‘should proudly join’ Israel if they go after Iran’s nuclear program


Former national security adviser John Bolton on Sunday called on the United States to join Israel if they choose to go after Iran's nuclear program in response to Tehran's attack. Speaking on NewsNation's "The Hill Sunday," Bolton criticized Iran's failed missile and drone strikes over the weekend, arguing Israel's interception of the attack makes the...

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Rep. Garamendi says ‘ball is clearly in Israel’s court’ for response to Iran


Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) on Sunday argued any action Israel chooses to take in retaliation for Iran's attack will ultimately be up to the country rather than the United States. Asked on NewsNation's "The Hill Sunday" over how President Biden will both constrain Iran's escalation of the conflict and Israel's military campaign in Gaza, Garamendi...

Kirby says Netanyahu is ‘well aware’ Biden does not want to escalate the war


John Kirby, White House national security communications adviser, said Sunday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is "well aware" President Biden does not want to escalate the war. "I would say that the Prime Minister is well aware that the President is not looking for a conflict with Iran, that the President doesn't want the tensions...

Kirby says Netanyahu was ‘very grateful’ for Biden’s support of Israel in phone call


John Kirby, White House national security communications adviser, said Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was "very grateful" for the support of the United States in a phone call with President Biden. "The prime minister was very grateful for the support that President Biden offered and demonstrated in supporting Israel. And the president made it clear that...


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