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Новости за 04.04.2022

How to Avoid “Stupid” Catastrophes

The New Yorker 

In a world marred by preventable miscalculation, Juliette Kayyem’s “The Devil Never Sleeps” provides a playbook for making it out alive.

Visa Partners With Air Canada for BNPL Airline Purchases


Air Canada, the country’s largest domestic and international airline, announced Monday (April 4) that the airline has teamed up with Visa to bring its buy now, pay later (BNPL) Installment Solution to eligible credit cardholders. “We’re excited that an iconic brand like Air Canada has an interest in the Visa Installments Solution,” Brian Weiner, vice […]

Russian atrocities in Bucha come to light after troop withdrawal

Eesti Elu 

Images of brutality in the suburbs of Kyiv after Russian retreat have caused global horror and demands for war-crimes investigations. Civilians have been found dead, with their hands tied and gunshots to the backs of their heads, KGB style. Mass grave discovered nearby contained nearly 300 bodies, including women and a 14-year-old boy.

Investors Chime In on The Motley Fool Approach

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Hold for the long term or sell some losers to add to your winners? Buy index funds or a basket of stocks? Concentrate your portfolio or diversify?

Sweden's Qred Unveils B2B Payments Platform With Visa Option; Raises €10M


Swedish business-to-business (B2B) financial provider Qred on Monday (April 4) unveiled a new payments platform that’s designed to help small businesses free up short-term capital and save them time when they’re paying their bills, according to a company announcement. The new service, which will be available on Qred’s app, allows businesses to pay any invoice […]

Walmart Marketplace Launches New-Seller Savings


Walmart has unveiled New-Seller Savings, a limited-time Walmart Marketplace promotion that’s exclusive to new sellers, according to a Monday (April 4) company blog post. Walmart eCommerce has seen “tremendous growth in the past two years, and for sellers, big and small, looking to join a curated marketplace that focuses on trust, transparency and fairness there has […]

SZA Reveals Why She Was on Crutches at the Grammys


Image Source: Getty / CBS Photo Archive

SZA was one of this year's esteemed Grammy winners! At Sunday's ceremony, the singer won best pop duo/group performance with Doja Cat for their hit, "Kiss Me More." While she posed on the red carpet without any assistance, when SZA made her way to the stage to accept her award, fans were surprised to see the singer walking with crutches. So what happened?

Turns out, SZA fell out of her bed prior to the show. "It's very funny because I... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Певец Прохор Шаляпин вызвал слухи о помолвке, выложив фото с кольцом


Google закрыл дыру в системе безопасности Android TV

Флейта о Чайковском

Футбольный матч "Сочи" - "Факел" завершился со счетом 0:0

Стало известно, на каком этапе находится создание единой дирекции парков в Барнауле

Бесплатные уроки танцев пройдут в разных места столицы на праздниках


Героическое участие армян в СВО. Часть третья

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Музыкальные новости

Фрэнк Синатра

ДиКаприо споет голосом Синатры

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже

Арина Соболенко

Соболенко удивила выступлением на турнире с участием Рыбакиной

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

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NYU Hospital on Long Island performs miraculous surgery

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