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Новости за 05.04.2022

Oklahoma state House approves bill to make abortion illegal


The Oklahoma bill, which passed the Senate last year, makes an exception only for an abortion performed to save the life of the mother, said GOP state Rep. Jim Olsen, of Roland, who sponsored the bill. Under the bill, a person convicted of performing an abortion would face up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

What’s New on DVD/Blu-ray in April: ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home,’ ‘Parallel Mothers,’ ‘The Girl Can’t Help It,’ and More


New Release Wall

It’s possible that “Spider-Man: No Way Home” (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment) might have somehow been an even bigger box-office sensation had it not been released during a global pandemic, but all things considered, it still did pretty well for itself. Monetary success aside, this is a rousing and thrilling superhero tale that manages to feel self-contained as it compulsorily sets the stage for a whole bunch of upcoming MCU plot twists. The 4K and Blu-ray versions include a smattering of extras... Читать дальше...

$93K worth of marijuana seized in Coffeyville traffic stop, 4 arrested


COFFEYVILLE, Kans. — Around 93lbs of marijuana and thousands in cash were seized following a traffic stop in Coffeyville late last month, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said. Authorities with the MCSO stopped three vehicles traveling north in Coffeyville on March 30th after seeing the cars fail to signal when changing lanes. After stopping the [...]

Feds seek new names for 28 Wisconsin geographic features

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

Federal officials are looking for suggestions from the public on new monikers for nearly 30 geographic features in Wisconsin with names they've declared derogatory to American Indians.

Ravens “definitely concerned” about cornerback depth heading into draft


Ravens General Manager Eric DeCosta said on Tuesday that the team could draft a running back after seeing three of them go down with injuries last season and the team is looking to shore up another area where they were shorthanded as well. The Ravens lost Marcus Peters to a torn ACL in a September [more]

Tawa’s Club Volleyball Dots: Two more qualifiers, one bid declined and best unknown players


This is “Dots,” VolleyballMag.com’s weekly look at 10 things in club volleyball, past or present, that interest me and hopefully will interest you. Look for Dots every Tuesday through Junior Nationals this summer. • The 48-team 18 Open field for the USA Volleyball 18s Girls Junior National Championships filled this past week. Four At-Large teams […]

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Музыкальные новости

Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии

Сергей Собянин

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

МВД: в Королеве подростки избили женщину после просьбы вести себя потише

Вечная любовь Валерия Гаркалина

Профиль отстраненного замминистра обороны Иванова убрали с сайта Минобороны РФ

Эхо стрельбы под Цимлянском долетело до Москвы

Five wedding traditions couples most regret spending money on & why it pays to go paper-free


BUDGETING for a wedding is a monumental exercise, and even when it’s meticulously done, couples still end up with regrets. Trendy features and classic traditions can end up adding to wedding costs, one custom coaster or last-minute plus-one at a time. Natalia Lachim, a money expert at Discount Code, shared the traditions couples included in […]

Why the US could be headed toward a recession


The US will face a recession, says Deutsche Bank's Chief US Economist Matthew Luzzetti. He points to "imbalances in the economy" as factors and explains what the Fed would need to do.

Metallurgy Gold Isn’t a Winner Yet


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Metallurgy Gold is a decentralized gold project that has utility, but its value and practicality need to be proven before it's a buy.

The post Metallurgy Gold Isn’t a Winner Yet appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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  • It doesn’t matter if you have $500 in savings or $5 million. Do this now.
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