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Новости за 21.04.2022

Homeowner discovers five bears living underneath her house

United Press International (UPI.com) 

A California homeowner who heard a rumbling coming from under her house during the winter was shocked when spring arrived with an answer: there were five bears living underneath the home.

A bug in Google Messages might be draining your battery - The Verge

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. A bug in Google Messages might be draining your battery  The Verge
  2. Android bug could be killing your battery life, but there's a simple way you can fix it  Express
  3. Google Messages has a bug that could be draining your phone's battery  Neowin
  4. Stop This Google Messages Bug From Draining Your Android's Battery  Lifehacker
  5. Google Messages bug causes severe battery drain, overheating  Chrome Unboxed
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

A bug in Google Messages might be draining your battery

The Verge 

Image: Google

With all the apps that we tend to have running on our phones, it’s a constant worry as to whether the battery will be able to make it through the day — and that’s not helped when apps misfire and run power-draining features in the background. According to 9to5Google, a recent bug in Google’s Messages app on Android phones left the camera running in the background — a great way to both heat up your phone and run down your battery.

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Press & Sun-Bulletin

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Meet the 2021-22 Greater Binghamton Elite 10 Boys Swimming & Diving Team Pressconnects

How to Become a Well-Oiled Data Machine in the Complex Cookieless World


If data is the new oil, then first-party data is a crypto farm sitting atop an oil field. Like all valuable commodities, though, first-party data is not evenly distributed. There are the "haves," like publishers requiring authentication, onboarding data entities and walled garden platforms. There are the "have-nots," like most brands, third-party data providers, publishers...

DeWine hauls in $1.6 million in reelection bid

The Toledo Blade 

COLUMBUS — Gov. Mike DeWine's already overflowing campaign coffers were boosted by $1.6 million over the last few months, and he was still sitting on an unprecedented nearly $8 million war chest for battles ahead.

Lindor, Carrasco Carry Mets to Win Over Giants

Mets Merized Online 

The Mets took on the San Francisco Giants on Wednesday afternoon looking to secure the win in the four-game series from baseball’s best team in 2021 regular season. Behind a big day at the plate for Francisco Lindor and a dominant outing for Carlos Carrasco, the Mets defeated the Giants 6-2 to improve to 10-4 on the […]

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Burnley beat Saints to boost survival bid

Times of Malta 

Burnley improved their chances of avoiding relegation from the Premier League as Connor Roberts’ superb strike inspired a vital 2-0 win against Southampton on Thursday. The Clarets won for the first time since Sean Dyche’s sacking thanks to Roberts’ sublime curler and Nathan Collins’ header. Roberts’ first goal for Burnley following his August move from Swansea came early in the first half at Turf Moor and proved the key moment. Continue reading this article on Sports Desk. 

Cruel Summer Season 2 to Feature Different Mystery and New Cast, Including Private Practice Reunion

Блог сайта «Face Tube is a fun name,» 

Cruel Summer is officially going the anthology route: Season 2 of the Freeform psychological drama will feature a different mystery that will include a new cast and showrunner. Sadie Stanley (The Goldbergs), newcomer Eloise Payet and Griffin Gluck (Locke & Key, Private Practice) will lead the series, with KaDee Strickland (Private Practice), Lisa Yamada (Little […]

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Собянин сообщил о масштабных планах благоустройства территорий школ и детсадов

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