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Новости за 24.04.2022

Speed Freak Kalon Barnes Intrigues Bears As Draft Looms


Remember what Ryan Poles and Matt Eberflus have said from the moment they took over. The Chicago Bears will place a huge emphasis on speed moving forward. They want a fast football team. Offensively and defensively. This philosophy has already shown up in several of their pre-draft meetings with wide receivers or running backs. It […]

There's Hope for a More Peaceful Lebanon

The Wall Street Journal 

Hezbollah dominates the country’s politics, but activists are trying to reclaim the title ‘Switzerland of the Middle East’ for their country.

Rockers Pitching Turns Table on Genomes

OurSports Central 

HIGH POINT, N.C. - The High Point Rockers limited the Kentucky Geomes to three hits on Sunday afternoon as High Point scored a 7-2 win in front of 1,9... - AtL High Point Rockers

Hormone replacement therapy tsar to be appointed as drug shortages leave women feeling suicidal - Sky News

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Hormone replacement therapy tsar to be appointed as drug shortages leave women feeling suicidal  Sky News
  2. Sajid Javid plans review of impact of gender dysphoria treatment  The Guardian
  3. Health Secretary should tackle hormone replacement therapy shortage, says MP  The Independent
  4. Sajid Javid should tackle HRT shortage himself rather than appoint a tsar, MP warns  The Telegraph
  5. Sajid Javid to appoint HRT tsar to address acute shortages  The Guardian
  6. View... Читать дальше...

The growing impacts of climate change on Australia


Australia has seen a massive increase in fires, droughts, floods and heat waves over the past two decades. The rise in these extreme weather events has dangerous implications for humans and wildlife in the country. Amanda McKenzie, CEO and co-founder of the Climate Council, joined CBS News' Lana Zak to discuss.

Bulls’ Patrick Williams has a breakout playoff showing in Game 4 loss

Chicago Sun-Times 

It wasn’t “Minnesota Pat.’’

Then again, the Bulls don’t need Patrick Williams to be the player that scored a career-high 35 in the season finale against the Timberwolves a few weeks back.

The guy that scored just one point in Game 3, however? That can’t happen.

That’s why there had to be some small sigh of relief with Williams’ Sunday performance, in which the No. 4 overall pick from the 2020 draft had seven first-half points on 3-for-7 shooting, and stayed aggressive to finish... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Led Zeppelin

Роберт Плант (Robert Plant) работает над новой версией классической песни Led Zeppelin


Настроение в движении. На выставке "Россия" открылась спортплощадка

Франк поздравил сотрудников пожарной охраны с профессиональным праздником

"Это большое достижение": что известно о состоянии Юрия Куклачёва

"День Европы": В Молдавии стирают память о Великой Отечественной войне, как и в Казахстане

Главные новости к утру 30 апреля

Megan Thee Stallion speaks out about 2020 shooting: 'It shouldn't have got this crazy'


Rapper Megan The Stallion spoke out publicly for the first time about the 2020 shooting incident allegedly involving fellow rapper Tory Lanez in an interview released Sunday, saying “it shouldn’t have got this crazy.”  The pop star, whose real name is Megan Pete, told “CBS Mornings” host Gayle King that she and Lanez got into...

Commentary of the MFA  of Azerbaijan on the Statement by President of the USA  on Armenian Remembrance Day 

Turan.az (en) 

It is unfortunate that the statement by US President Joe Biden on Armenian Remembrance Day, once again distorted the historical facts about the events of 1915.The attempts to misrepresent the events that happened a century ago and politicize the so-called "Armenian genocide" are unacceptable.The statement by the US President is not in line with the negotiations aimed at normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia.The events of ...


Один человек погиб в результате ДТП на севере Москвы

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Собянин: В Щербинке будут запущены автобусные маршруты к МЦД и соцобъектам

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Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

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