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Новости за 01.07.2022

Empire State Weekly: Primaries, gun laws and emissions


This week on Empire State Weekly Solomon Syed sits down with Republican Candidate for Governor Lee Zeldin to discuss the primary election. He also reviews the new gun legislation at the center of the state's extraordinary session and how a SCOTUS ruling against the EPA could impact New York.

Disney Reveals Opening Date And Details Of Splash Mountain Transformation Into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure


Splash Mountain will be transformed into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, with the reconceived attraction set to open at Disneyland and Disney World in late 2024. Carmen Smith, SVP, Creative Development – Product/Content & Inclusive Strategies for Disney, confirmed the plans in a blog post. Disney had indicated in 2020 that it would overhaul the attraction in […]


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Those who follow the work of Igor Mizrakh, a Ukrainian pop star, politician, and "singing lawyer" were sure that after the premiere of the song "It's cold" (duet with Natalia Shelepnitskaya), there would be a long artistic pause.

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Disney Reveals Opening Date And Details Of Splash Mountain Transformation Into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure - Deadline

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Disney Reveals Opening Date And Details Of Splash Mountain Transformation Into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure  Deadline
  2. Disney reveals name and opening for Splash Mountain's Princess and the Frog revamp  Yahoo Entertainment
  3. New Name & Opening Timeline Revealed for Princess & Frog Splash Mountain  Disney Tourist Blog
  4. Disney unveils new name for 'The Princess and the Frog' attraction  GMA
  5. BREAKING: "Tiana's Bayou Adventure" Ride Announced to Replace Splash Mountain... Читать дальше...

Cancel Culture Goes to Washington

The Wall Street Journal 

George Washington University must change its name says an article in, yes, the Washington Post.

Kerry says US climate setbacks are slowing work abroad

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said Friday that setbacks for President Joe Biden's climate efforts at home have “slowed the pace” of some of the commitments from other countries to cut climate-wrecking fossil fuels, but he insisted the U.S. would still achieve its own ambitious climate goals in time.

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Музыкальные новости

Блогерша Алена Водонаева заявила, что ей нравится сын рэпера Джигана


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

Валидол под язык – и вперед! «Астраханочка», неожиданно проиграв дома, с трудом прошла в полуфинал

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность во время проведения богослужений Вербного воскресенья в столице

Антон Чехов – писатель, врач, путешественник. В Белгороде прошла творческая встреча, посвящённая писателю

Cryptocurrency Staking: High Returns and Security in the World of Passive Income

Inflation Hasn’t Silenced Call of Open Road, RV Industry Says


The rising cost of fuel and almost everything else hasn’t dampened consumers’ enthusiasm for using their recreational vehicles (RVs) and other equipment for outdoor activities this summer.  Manufacturers in these fields report that demand is strong, and it’s just a matter of whether they can meet that demand in the face of the supply chain […]

Liverpool reveal the club’s plans to support and partake in the city’s Pride celebrations throughout July

Empire of The Kop 

Liverpool will be proudly supporting the city’s celebrations for Pride in July and have revealed their plans for the month. As reported by the club’s website: ‘Liverpool Football Club will proudly lend its support to the city’s Pride celebrations throughout July, in support of the LGBT+ community. ‘The club’s iconic Liver bird crest will be […]

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Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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Музыкальные новости

Александр Пушной

Кировчанин обыграл телеведущего Александра Пушного и получил деньги

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов

Андрей Рублёв

Рублёв победил Давидович-Фокину в 3-м круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде, отыгравшись с 0:5 на тай-брейке

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Столичный транспорт стал удобнее и экологичнее

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