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Новости за 03.07.2022

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Has July 4 Attack Ad Fireworks For Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis


Continuing the war of words between Florida and California – and potentially previewing the presidential campaign for 2024 – California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a new ad attacking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Newsom’s July 4 weekend ad claims “Freedom is under attack” in states run by Republican governors, like Florida. It goes on to […]

Pro-EU civil servants are thwarting Britain’s post-Brexit potential, top minister claims


REMOANER civil servants are thwarting Britain’s post-Brexit opportunities, a top cabinet minister claims. Attorney General Suella Braverman revealed some of her “biggest battles” have come against Whitehall officials over reform.  She said there is a “Remain-bias” that resists new freedoms ministers want to put in place. Ms Braverman, who resigned as a Brexit minister under […]

Нейробиологи обнаружили механизм мозга, связанный с возрастной потерей памяти

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Проводя исследование на крысах, нейробиологи из Университета Джонcа Хопкинса определили участок в мозге, ответственный за возрастную потерю памяти. Работа, опубликованная в журнале Current Biology, объясняет работу стареющего мозга и помогает углубить наше понимание того, как болезнь Альцгеймера, а также болезнь Пика, хорея Гентингтона и другие нейродегенерации влияют на запись факто конкретных воспоминаний.

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Steady Djokovic Pulls Away Late, Awaits Sinner In QFs

ATPWorldTour.com (Tennis) 

With a pair of impressive grass-court win streaks on the line Sunday in the Wimbledon fourth round, Novak Djokovic extended his run to 25 consecutive victories on the surface. He ended the perfect 8-0 grass season of Dutch wild card Tim van Rijthoven with a 6-2, 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 victory on Centre Court to bring the Dutchman's dream Grand Slam debut to a close.

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom Has July 4 Attack Ad Fireworks For Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis - Deadline


  1. California Gov. Gavin Newsom Has July 4 Attack Ad Fireworks For Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis  Deadline
  2. Newsom will target DeSantis and GOP in new ad on Fox  CNN
  3. ‘Join us in California’: Newsom targets GOP in Florida ad  ABC27
  4. Newsom July 4 ad targets DeSantis: 'Freedom is under attack'  Fox News
  5. Gavin Newsom goes on the air against Ron DeSantis as political rivalry grows  CNN
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Making Sense Of Monkeypox - MSNBC


  1. Making Sense Of Monkeypox  MSNBC
  2. As monkeypox cases mount, health officials, advocates try to prevent spread, stigma to gay community  The Boston Globe
  3. Understanding Monkeypox and How Outbreaks Spread  The Washington Post
  4. Monkeypox vaccine: Answers to common questions.  Slate
  5. Monkeypox now in 30 states, plus Puerto Rico, and nearly doubled cases in one week to 396  Must Read Alaska
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

West African leaders lift economic sanctions on Mali - Al Jazeera English

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. West African leaders lift economic sanctions on Mali  Al Jazeera English
  2. West African leaders meet with coup-hit neighbors on agenda – KION546  KION
  3. West African leaders lift economic and financial sanctions on Mali  Reuters.com
  4. Sahel insecurity, post-coup sanctions loom large at ECOWAS summit  Al Jazeera English
  5. West African Bloc Ease Sanctions on Mali Over Democracy Plan  Bloomberg
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Triston McKenzie, Guardians, shut down Yankees for 2-0 win


The Yankees, who have Monday off, will look to improve their record of 16-5 after a loss on Tuesday against the Pirates at PNC Park. The Yankees fell to 2-2 on this odd four-city, 10- game road trip with the loss to the Astros on Thursday. It was the first since June 25 when they were no-hit by the Astros.

Liz Cheney: Jan. 6 panel and DOJ could suggest Trump criminal referral - USA TODAY


  1. Liz Cheney: Jan. 6 panel and DOJ could suggest Trump criminal referral  USA TODAY
  2. Cheney says January 6 committee could make multiple criminal referrals, including of Trump  CNN
  3. Liz Cheney says not prosecuting Trump 'graver threat' than the difficulties it poses  Fox News
  4. Liz Cheney has a political future — we just don’t know what it will be  The Hill
  5. Jan. 6 committee could make multiple criminal referrals of Donald Trump to Justice Dept., Rep. Liz Cheney says... Читать дальше...

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Goran Dragić reportedly will sign with the Chicago Bulls, addressing the team’s 3-point shooting concerns


Looking to address a lack of 3- point shooting, the Chicago Bulls are set to sign veteran guard Goran Dragić to a one-year deal, according to a report by The Athletic. Entering his 15th season, Dragić found the most success during a seven-season stretch with the Miami Heat, averaging 16.2 points from February 2015 through the 2020-21 season and making the...

Jhene Aiko pregnant with longtime boyfriend Big Sean after singer shows off baby bump


JHENE Aiko has announced she is pregnant with her boyfriend’s child after the R&B singer showed off her baby bump in public.  Big Sean – also known as Sean Michael Leonard Anderson – and Jhene are expecting to be parents together. A rep for Jhene confirmed the baby news to PEOPLE, saying: “The couple is […]


Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

Губернаторы России

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