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Новости за 24.07.2022

CPG Brands Lose Sales as EU Consumers Opt for Store-Brand Items


There’s likely to be a downturn in consumer-packaged goods (CPG) sales due to shoppers opting for cheaper store brands amid inflation and rising food costs. Own-brand labels have gotten more market share in Europe in the past month, the Financial Times reported Saturday (July 23), and analysts said this goes along with “modest share declines” […]

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss Clash On Immigration Ahead Of Crucial TV Debate


Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak will go head-to-head on Monday night.

Rishi Sunak’ and Liz Truss have clashed on immigration ahead of a TV debate which could go a long way to determining who becomes the next prime minister.

Both candidates unveiled their plans to toughen the UK’s borders if they win the race to succeed Boris Johnson.

Truss said she would seek to strike more Rwanda-style deportation deals with other countries, while doubling the number of Border Force officials to prevent... Читать дальше...

Dow Jones Futures Loom: Apple Leads Earnings Wave, Fed Rate Hike Looms; What To Do Now | Investor's Business Daily - Investor's Business Daily

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Dow Jones Futures Loom: Apple Leads Earnings Wave, Fed Rate Hike Looms; What To Do Now | Investor's Business Daily  Investor's Business Daily
  2. 3 Things to Watch in the Stock Market This Week  The Motley Fool
  3. 1 Stock To Buy, 1 Stock To Dump This Week: Exxon Mobil, Roku  Investing.com
  4. Tesla (TSLA) stock surges 10% as the company posts Q2 2022 earnings — sells 75% of its Bitcoin holdings, earnings call, more  Tesla Oracle - Elon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX News
  5. View Full... Читать дальше...

Muhammad Ali’s ‘Rumble In The Jungle’ Belt Sells For $6.1M


The winner of the heated competition for the belt was Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay, according to Heritage Auctions in Dallas. In a tweet Sunday, Irsay confirmed he acquired the belt for his collection of rock music, American history and pop culture memorabilia that is currently touring the country.

Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard Wins Maiden Tour de France Title

Voice of America 

Jonas Vingegaard claimed his maiden Tour de France title after Sunday's 21st and final stage, completing a triumph he effectively sealed in the mountains after a vintage duel with Tadej Pogacar. The 25-year-old, who five years ago was working as a fish packer in a factory in the morning before training in the afternoon, followed up on his surprise second place last year. He finished Sunday's ride to the Champs Elysees safely in the bunch as Belgian Jasper Philipsen won the last stage in a sprint... Читать дальше...

Love Island bombshells dumped in brutal twist as two couples sent home ahead of final - The Mirror

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Love Island bombshells dumped in brutal twist as two couples sent home ahead of final  The Mirror
  2. Love Islanders shaken by the news of sudden dumping  Rhyl Journal
  3. Love Island announces surprise double dumping as the final edges closer  Digital Spy
  4. Love Island to air savage dumping tonight as multiple contestants dumped from villa  The Mirror
  5. Love Island 2022: Deji, Lacey, Nathalia and Reece all DUMPED from the villa in brutal exit  Daily Mail
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Chicago Bears Zeroing In On Much-Needed Right Guard Solution


The Chicago Bears have questions on the offensive line. Nowhere is that more evident than right guard. Letting James Daniels walk in free agency was an understandable decision. He’d underachieved last season and was going to be too expensive. GM Ryan Poles was reportedly not a fan anyway. So the new regime would have to […]

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While I dont expect Albo to take notice of my thoughts, these are my top ten priorities and I have listed them in what I believe is their order of importance.


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Собянин: В Щербинке будут запущены автобусные маршруты к МЦД и соцобъектам

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