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Новости за 08.07.2022

Biden signs order on abortion access: 'Go out and vote' - WTVR CBS 6


  1. Biden signs order on abortion access: 'Go out and vote'  WTVR CBS 6
  2. Here's what's in Biden's executive order on abortion rights  CNN
  3. Opinion | With his executive order, Biden protecting abortion access  The Washington Post
  4. Opinion | What the Biden Administration Could Do Now to Protect Abortion Rights  The New York Times
  5. View Full Coverage on Google News

GWENT: Rogue Mage now available for PC, iOS, and Andr

GameGuru Mania 

CD Projekt RED has released GWENT: Rogue Mage for PC via Steam and GOG, iOS via App Store, and Android via Google Play for $9.99. The first standalone single-player expansion to GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, GWENT: Rogue Mage combines roguelike, deckbuilding, and strategy elements with GWENT card battles. ...

Petition to Impeach Clarence Thomas Gains 1 Million Signatures


An online petition calling for the removal of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has garnered more than 1 million signatures. The petition, titled “Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas,” was created on the website of the left-wing public advocacy organization MoveOn.org three months ago. “Justice Clarence Thomas must resign from the Supreme Court immediately or else be […]

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Sebi proposes insider trading rules for mutual funds

The Financial Express 

The capital markets regulator has proposed that any person associated with the fund, who has direct or indirect access to unpublished price-sensitive information (UPSI) or any immediate relative of the connected person, officials or employees be subject to the insider trading rules.

Remembering Former QPR Player & North Kensington Boy, Harry Daniels

Independent R's 

After R’s fan Lance Hockley had informed me on Facebook that Harry Daniels was his wife’s uncle, with Colin Woodley’s assistance, I began to research his career. Harry was born in North Kensington on 25th June 1920 and probably grew up at 32, Manchester Road, London W10. A lost street which is now buried underneath Continue reading

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Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Волочкова часто летала на Мальдивы из-за возможности поплавать без трусов


ЦСКА проиграл «Балтике» в гостевом матче 26-го тура РПЛ

Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины

Синоптики спрогнозировали до +23 градусов в столице 30 апреля

Ученые нашли 27 утерянных томов братьев Гримм с их рукописными заметками

Стало известно, на каком этапе находится создание единой дирекции парков в Барнауле

Watch: Distracted SUV driver allegedly on phone runs right over a moving Corvette

Boing Boing 

A driver of a Ford SUV didn't seem to notice a shiny bright blue Corvette in the road right in front of her and proceeded to run over the sports car, as if it were a mere speed bump. According to a comment from the Reddit user who posted the video, the SUV driver, in Glendale, California, was yakking on her phone when she blithely pulled this stunt. — Read the rest

NYC health officials recommend masks indoors amid 'high levels' of COVID spread


NEW YORK (AP) — New York City public health officials recommend residents to return to indoor mask-wearing, noting how they’re seeing “high levels” of COVID-19 infection. To help slow the spread, the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene recommended in a tweet posted Friday that “all New Yorkers should wear a high-quality mask, such [...]

Monkeypox - what Kiwi experts say you need to know


The Ministry of Health and an infectious disease expert have reassured the public that monkeypox is a safely manageable disease, after the first case was detected in New Zealand tonight. The infected ...


Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

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Собянин: В Щербинке будут запущены автобусные маршруты к МЦД и соцобъектам

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Музыкальные новости

Александр Пушной

Кировчанин обыграл телеведущего Александра Пушного и получил деньги

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Рафаэль Надаль

Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку

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