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Новости за 22.07.2022

Every Adirondack town getting 2022 ARPA funds


On Friday, New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul announced another $387 million in COVID-19 relief funds coming to communities across the state. The funds come from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, which is part of the American Rescue Plan Act, and will join existing funds to total $774 million rolled out across the state between 2021 and 2022's funds.

J.K. Dobbins among six Ravens starting camp on physically unable to perform list


Ravens running back J.K. Dobbins disputed a report about the seriousness of his knee injury this week, saying he will definitely play in Week One and might not even open camp on the physically unable to perform list. But while Dobbins may still play Week One, he is starting camp on the PUP list. Dobbins [more]

Man who killed his wife in ‘act of love’ calls for assisted dying law - The Guardian

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Man who killed his wife in ‘act of love’ calls for assisted dying law  The Guardian
  2. Husband slit his terminally-ill wife's throat after they shared last drink together in their garden  Daily Mail
  3. Pensioner who killed wife in suicide pact recalls moment he realised what he had done | ITV News  ITV News
  4. Terminally-ill wife promised ‘I won’t make a noise’ before husband slit her throat in failed suicide pact...  The Sun
  5. 'An act of love to end her suffering' -... Читать дальше...

MLB rumors: Yankees, Mets not willing to give up top three prospects for Juan Soto; Brewers add Jake McGee - CBS Sports


  1. MLB rumors: Yankees, Mets not willing to give up top three prospects for Juan Soto; Brewers add Jake McGee  CBS Sports
  2. Seven potential landing spots for Nationals All-Star outfielder Juan Soto  USA TODAY
  3. A Juan Soto trade will be tough for Washington Nationals to pull off  The Washington Post
  4. Top 20 players possibly on the move by the MLB trade deadline  Newsday
  5. MLB Insider provides an update on the Mets and Juan Soto | Andy Martino | SNY  SNY
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Leeds United Chat • Predict the Premier League 2022/23 (Finishing Positions) Competition

Marching On Together 


After last seasons, only by the skin of our teeth, final day survival heroics ensured a further season in the PL surely we must do better this time round

Certainly the fixtures appear somewhat kinder this season, as we open up with a Home fixture against Wolves on Saturday 6 August.

After last seasons disappointment most bookies have us in a group hovering above the three promoted teams along with the... Читать дальше...

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Take Three of Their Kids to Dinner in Paris (Photos)

«Just Jared» 

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are continuing their Parisian honeymoon! The 49-year-old actor and the 52-year-old entertainer were seen heading to a restaurant for dinner on Friday night (July 22) in Paris, France. The newlyweds were joined by three out of their five kids – Ben‘s daughters Violet, 16, and Seraphina, 13, and Jen‘s child [...]

‘What If…?’ Gets Early Season 3 Renewal By Disney+


Fans of Disney+/Marvel series What If…? got a pleasant surprise at today’s Marvel Studios’ Animation panel at San Diego Comic-Con. Marvel revealed the Emmy-nominated series has been picked up for a third season, ahead of its Season 2 premiere. What If….? Season 2 launches exclusively on Disney+ in early 2023. What If…? director Bryan Andrews […]

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Антонио Вивальди

«Вивальди. Времена Года. Шнитке. Кончерто Гроссо»: концерт в старинном соборе при поддержке Relax FM


«Динамо» подложило под «Зенит» бомбу! «Краснодар» может возглавить РПЛ за четыре тура до конца

Минздрав МО: хирурги спасли мужчину с девятью переломами и психозом после ДТП

Для панды Катюши открыли доступ в уличный вольер

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже

Валидол под язык – и вперед! «Астраханочка», неожиданно проиграв дома, с трудом прошла в полуфинал

Football / Euro – Au bout du suspense, la Suède rejoint l’Angleterre en demies !


Grâce à un but salvateur en fin de match, la Suède se retrouve dans le dernier carré de l’Euro face à l’Angleterre. Scénario incroyable ce soir dans ce troisième quart de finale de l’Euro entre la Suède et la Belgique. Favorites, les joueuses de Peter Gerhardsson ont dominé outrageusement la rencontre sans pour autant réussir […]


Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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Собянин: В Щербинке будут запущены автобусные маршруты к МЦД и соцобъектам

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Музыкальные новости


После резкого поста о Надежде Стрелец мама Тимати вступила в дискуссию с подписчиками и неожиданно упомянула Ксению Собчак

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

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Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

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