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Big Brother fans slam show as ‘racist’ and vow to BOYCOTT season for ‘disgusting’ treatment of Taylor Hale


BIG Brother fans have slammed the show as “racist” after the houseguests’ “disgusting behavior” towards Taylor Hale. Twitter users are vowing to boycott the rest of the season if production doesn’t do anything about it. Taylor is one of the 16 houseguests on season 24 of Big Brother, which is currently airing on CBS. She […]

BIG Brother fans have slammed the show as “racist” after the houseguests’ “disgusting behavior” towards Taylor Hale.

Twitter users are vowing to boycott the rest of the season if production doesn’t do anything about it.

Sonja Flemming/CBS
Taylor Hale is a contestant on Big Brother season 24[/caption]
Taylor cried alone in her room after she experience bullying[/caption]

Taylor is one of the 16 houseguests on season 24 of Big Brother, which is currently airing on CBS.

She is a 27-year-old personal stylist from Detroit, Michigan and Miss Michigan USA in 2021.

Taylor Hale/Facebook
Taylor Hale at the Miss Michigan competition[/caption]

She was also the second-runner-up in 2020 and a semi-finalist for Miss DC in 2017.



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Only two episodes in and fans are already vowing to boycott the show due to “bullying and racism.”

Strong alliances and cliques have formed, making others feel left out.

After hearing that she was a former beauty queen, the houseguests slammed her for the way she walked and her fancy outfits.

The Big Brother 24 houseguest has experienced loads of bullying in just one week of being in the house.

On premiere night, Daniel Durston, 35, won Head of Household (HOH) and secured his safety for the week.

He nominated Terrance Higgins, 47, and Michael Bruner, 28, for eviction, and that is all fans have seen on TV so far.

But for avid Big Brother fans, who watch the live feeds, they know what is going on 24/7.

And watchers have seen Taylor being bullied firsthand.


The houseguests hadn’t even learned each other’s names yet and some were already picking on others.

A conversation between houseguests Alyssa Snider, 24, and Paloma Aguilar, 22, was heard on the feeds, just hours after they moved into the house.

When talking about who they wanted to align with, Paloma referred to Taylor as “pageant girl” twice.

“Another thing is with ‘pageant girl’ is like we need to also get in good with the guys. Like she cannot dominate being like the seductress of the guys,” Paloma said.

They said that she is a flirt with all of the guys and doesn’t interact with the girls much.


Later in the day, Paloma and Jasmine Davis, 29, were making fun of the way Taylor walks.

“She walked by me and was like…”

Then Paloma proceeded to tilt her head from side to side while Jasmine laughed.

“I swear she does it wherever she goes,” the 22-year-old continued.

Paloma and Jasmine making fun of the way Taylor walks[/caption]
Jasmine laughed as Paloma demonstrated the walk[/caption]

“Yesterday, she was in the storage room and was like…”

Paloma stuck her head out and back and walked slowly, then turned around like someone would in a pageant.

Jasmine continued to laugh as Paloma said “It’s like a bent over the back thing,” and proceeded to demonstrate her walk.


Alliances were already forming and the game was being played two days after entering the house.

An all-girls alliance was formed but Taylor and Nicole were left out of it.

In a conversation heard on the feeds between Daniel and Nicole Layog, 41, they were talking about Taylor possibly being put up on the block.

“I think she (Taylor) will be a little more pissed,” the HOH said.

Nicole agreed: “Oh home girl is going to flip the f**k out if you put her on the block. She is a strong female but she is also a strong ally. She doesn’t have relationships with anybody in this house.”

They said this after wanting to work with her originally.

Then a few days later, other houseguests were talking about Taylor’s reaction if she went on the block.

Pooch said: “Daniel wasn’t totally against it.”

Alyssa chimed in: “She (Taylor) is one of the only people who hasn’t been like ‘where is your head at?'”

To which Pooch replied: “You know she is going to explode when that week happens that she goes home. If you do it with the backdoor, it’s only a couple of days.”

Pooch then told Daniel: “If it doesn’t happen now, people are going to be very scared to put her (Taylor) on the block. For that week, she might make people uncomfortable in a way because she is strong in her opinion.”

Then Paloma grilled the HOH, saying: “We might as well get her (Taylor) out now. She scares the s**t out of me and she scares the s**t out of everyone. Bring up Taylor to everyone. You need to just talk to everyone and be like ‘what do you think about Taylor?’, and make an excuse for Taylor.”

Pooch added that she might “show more of her true colors” if nominated and that it would be a “loud f**king week.”


Things took a turn for the worse on Saturday when Taylor walked around the house modeling a few dresses.

While strutting around the house in a fancy dress, Taylor said: “This is my finale dress.”

Tensions were high because the nomination ceremony had just taken place and the other houseguests thought it was rude for her to say that at that moment.

When Daniel was trying to figure out who to put on the block, he talked to all of his housemates and got their opinions.

Monte Taylor, 27, sat up in the HOH room and recounted the whole scenario for Daniel.

“She got this nice dress, really nice dress. She looked wow,” Monte said.

And Daniel agreed: “Yeah. She looks good.”

Monte continued: “And she starts flaunting around with it and she tells everyone ‘this is my final two dress.”

Daniel interrupted him and asked: “She said that out loud?”

“Yeah, bro,” Monte whispered, to which Daniel said Taylor’s comment was “aggressive.”

“That connection of how that comes off to people — I think is just missing for her,” Monte went on to say.

“I think there’s been a lot of examples of that that I’ve seen. Especially for a strong Black woman who is doing her thing in life — it is nowhere near personal — but from a game perspective what I look at is … I’m thinking about how can I trust whatever you are saying?” Monte finished.


Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli, 23, and Matt “Turner” Turner, 23, called Taylor “aggressive” on Saturday‘s feeds.

When Turner talked about cleaning his mess, he said, “I’m on my bulls**t,” he told Pooch the story of what Taylor said to him.

“No lie. I get dead-eyed in the face. This might be the first aggressive s**t. I get dead-eyed in the face by Taylor and she goes ‘you’re always on your bulls**t,” he said.

Turner continued to say that when he laughed, she kept a serious expression.

Pooch sat down on the bed and said, “I hope this doesn’t look like we’re bullying her or targeting her,” to which Matt said, “No. No one’s bullying her.”

They continued to talk about her walking in her dress and how it annoyed them.


Ameerah Jones, Monte, and Jasmine, talked about how Taylor’s mother would not approve of her actions.

They all stood in the storage room as Ameerah said: “Her mom watches the lives 24/7.”

“Her mom is probably pissed,” they said before laughing.

Jasmine chimed in with: “By the way she acts, yeah.”


When Nicole discussed her Goodbye Message, which contestants see after they are evicted, she did not hold back.

“I heard you’re talking s**t behind my back. I can’t trust you. Doesn’t matter if you’re white, Black, or an alien…” she rehearsed before the camera cut to someone else.


Daniel talked to Nicole in his HOH room after the Veto ceremony and said he didn’t like Taylor “the moment he met her.”

“The minute I saw you, I knew this (their alliance) was going to happen. The minute I saw her, I knew it was going to be bad news,” he said.

“I toured for 10 years and I’ve met every race and culture possible in America that I could live with on buses and everything. And I know when I see someone’s eyes what’s up.” 

“If she has power, she’s going to go hard and if I’m on her bad side, I’m f**ked,” Daniel continued.

Nicole agreed and said: “I’m seeing her true colors like I’m not denying that at all.”


Michael won the Power of Veto, which meant he would be taking himself off the block, and Daniel had to make a decision on who to put up.

Daniel had a tough decision to make and talked to Monte before making it.

When they discussed putting Taylor up, he said he didn’t “want to come off as racist” because Terrance, who was still on the block, is Black and so is Taylor.

“Dude, if people think I’m f**king racist when I leave this house, I’m f**cked,” he said.

Ultimately, he made the decision to put Taylor up.

After the veto ceremony happened, she went and isolated herself in a room to cry.

“I didn’t do anything,” she said, as she cried into her hands.

None of her houseguests came to console her.

Since the Veto ceremony, the Houseguests have continued to avoid her and are planning to vote her out on Thursday.


After fans saw how Taylor was being treated on the show, they started a Twitter campaign to try to get every fan to boycott watching the series.

One fan even put out a statement and tagged Big Brother and CBS to address the issues that are going on in the house.

Big Brother fans call for action[/caption]

They urged everyone to cancel their subscriptions to the live feeds and to spread the word.

Other fans on Twitter said they are boycotting the show as well until something is done.

“And why are you all still watching Big Brother??? Boycott that s**t so it just dies already. And Vote Taylor Americas Favorite Houseguest!!! Nobody else matters,” one fan tweeted.

A second said: “All this media coverage and nothing will change. We need to actually tune out and boycott. Maybe if @CBS @CBSBigBrother sees the ratings dropping then they’ll actually do something.”

“The racist behavior on Big Brother continues. The only way to make CBS take action is for viewers to boycott the show. I refuse to watch or stream that mess,” chimed in a third.

“BOYCOTT BIG BROTHER EVERYONE!! If you actually care about the treatment of black players especially black women in the history of this show you will not watch a single episode this season make viewership go down pleaseeee!” tweeted one fan.

A fifth said: “Because of all that I have been reading, I have decided to boycott @CBSBigBrother this summer. Unless it is addressed by production, I won’t be watching.”

Twitter is flooded with hundreds of similar tweets just like the ones above.

A casting producer for the show, who chose to remain anonymous told Variety that the situation was “really disappointing” and that 50% of the casting team is made up of the BIPOC community.

This season includes 10 members of the BIPOC community.


Past houseguests have spoken out on the matter.

The Cookout, which was composed of six Black members during 2021 season of the show, was the first alliance to get all of its members to the final six, making history in Big Brother.

Some of the members have spoken out on Twitter with lengthy statements about the bullying that is going on in the house.

Last year’s winner, Xavier Prather shared: “Members of the black community (especially black women) and other people of color stand no chance in the Big Brother House due to the perpetuation of micro-aggressions and unconscious biases which plague our society.”

Xavier Prather’s tweet[/caption]

“In the future, I hope it doesn’t take a ‘Cookout’ for black houseguests (or any POC houseguest) to finally escape the feeling of being ostracized within the Big Brother House for simply existing. Change is a must!” he said.

Xavier Prather tweeted about the racism in the house[/caption]

Cookout member Hannah Chadda tweeted, “I truthfully do not understand why everybody, their mom, their dad, their neighbor, their plant & their lint has Taylor’s name in their mouth like it’s their full-time job. It’s giving fan behavior & it’s unsettling.”

Tiffany Mitchell, who constantly tweets about the live feeds said, “Watching Taylor cry really broke me down. I could never imagine what she feels like to be alone WEEK 1 when there are 15 other people in that house.”

Member Azah Awasum said: “I made a cognizant effort to ‘dial back’ in the house for these exact reasons. Dark-skinned women always have this in the back of their heads. CBS teaches about racial microaggressions but a section on colorism would be beneficial. Taylor’s light will shine outside this house.”

The other two members Kyland Young and Derek Frazier have not spoken up about the issues publicly.

Past Big Brother contestants, who were not in The Cookout alliance have also spoken out.

Xavier Prather, Azäh Awasum, Hannah Chaddha, Derek Frazier, Tiffany Mitchell, and Kyland Young[/caption]


Big Brother fans have slammed this season for being racist, but this is not the first time something has happened like this.

Season 15 was the most controversial as houseguests GinaMarie Zimmerman and Aaryn Gries used racist slurs in the house.

GinaMarie used the N-word and said that if she punched her Korean housemate, Helen Kim in the face, maybe it “would make her eyes straight.”

Aaryn mocked Black contestant Candice Stewart for her voice.

Candice Stewart was also a target of racism on the show[/caption]

She also warned another houseguest to avoid talking about Candice in the dark because she “might not be able to see the B***h.”

Julie Chen Moonves played the clips for Aaryn when she was evicted who said she “did not recall making them.”

Just a few seasons later, Paul Abrahamian upset his fan base when he planned to put on black make-up on his face, which is referred to as “Black face,” to upset Black contestant, Dominique Cooper.

Season 21 caused a problem when the first three houseguests voted out -Kemi Fakunle, Ovi Kabir, and David Alexander- were all people of color.

They were part of Big Brother’s Camp Comeback twist, where they had to be isolated in a room upstairs, away from everyone else, and wore shirts that said Camp Comeback.

Kemi Fakunle, Ovi Kabir, and David Alexander of season 2021 of Big Brother[/caption]

During this time, Jack Matthews told the other houseguests to “not strategize with the ones who were voted out.”

Later on, in the season, he said that he wanted to “stomp a mudhole through Kemi’s chest” and called an Asian houseguest “rice pudding.”

He apologized for his actions after being evicted.

CBS has not released a statement on the racism and bullying that is going on in the house.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8/7c and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

Big Brother is in its 24th season and is hosted by Julie Chen Moonves[/caption]
Taylor Hale won Miss Michigan[/caption]
Instagram / Taylor Hale
Talyor Hale is a victim of racism and bullying in the house[/caption]

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