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Новости за 07.03.2024

The history of the State of the Union response


Since 1966, members of the opposite political party have been giving a rebuttal response after the U.S. president delivers the State of the Union address. This year, Republican Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama will deliver the GOP response to President Biden's address. CBS News' Errol Barnett takes a look at the history.

How Biden will address foreign policy in State of the Union speech


One of the key issues President Biden will be focusing on in his State of the Union speech will be foreign policy. Mr. Biden is set to announce a plan to build a temporary port on the Gaza coast for humanitarian aid delivery. Sam Vinograd, a CBS News contributor and former assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention at the Department of Homeland Security, discusses what to expect.

James Crumbley's trial begins with opening statements, first witness testimony


The trial of James Crumbley, the father of the Oxford High School shooter, began Thursday with opening statements and witness testimony. Crumbley is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with a 2021 deadly shooting that his son carried out. Molly Darnell, an Oxford High School teacher who was injured during the shooting, was the first witness to testify. CBS News Detroit reporter Andres Gutierrez has more.

Senate to vote on government funding package to avert partial shutdown


The Senate is set to vote on a funding package ahead of Friday's partial government shutdown deadline. The spending bills, which the House passed Wednesday, would extend funding for some federal agencies through September if it clears the upper chamber. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion reports from Capitol Hill.

White House previews issues Biden will address in State of the Union speech


President Biden will denounce extremism and discuss the U.S. economy, the state of democracy, and civil and women's rights during Thursday's State of the Union address before both chambers of Congress. CBS News White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe chats with Olivia Dalton, a White House press secretary, about the president's priorities for the yearly address.

Biden to announce plan for new Gaza port for aid during State of the Union address


During his State of the Union address, President Biden will announce plans for the U.S. military to help establish a temporary port on the Gaza coast in the hopes of increasing the flow of humanitarian aid, according to administration officials. Meanwhile, talks for a cease-fire and hostage release are expected to resume next week. CBS News' Imtiaz Tyab reports.

Philadelphia police release surveillance video of shooting near bus stop


Philadelphia police are searching for three gunmen who were captured on surveillance video opening fire near a SEPTA bus station in Philadelphia. Eight high school students were shot, police said. The masked gunmen then fled the scene. CBS News Philadelphia's Dan Snyder has the latest.

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Biden State of the Union expected to address abortion, IVF


Reproductive rights are likely to be a focus of President Biden's State of the Union address Thursday night with several Democrats inviting IVF patients, fertility doctors and women who have been denied abortions as their guests. CBS News campaign reporter Shawna Mizelle has more.

Inside the financial struggles of New York Community Bank


Regional lender New York Community Bank has been hit with a string of bad news recently, including getting downgraded to junk status by rating agencies. David Chiaverini, managing director for Wedbush Securities, joined CBS News to discuss the issues at NYCB.


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