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Новости за 24.03.2024

3/24: Face The Nation


This week on "Face the Nation," Margaret Brennan speaks to House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Rep. Michael McCaul and former counterintelligence official Sam Vinograd as Russia grapples with an attack at a Moscow concert hall that left more than 130 dead. Plus, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy joins.

3/24: Sunday Morning


Hosted by Jane Pauley. Seth Doane reports on the heartbreaking ordeal of Alsu Kurmasheva, a journalist detained in Russia, while Lesley Stahl looks into efforts to free Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has spent nearly a year in a Moscow prison. Also: Tracy Smith sits down with comedian Steve Martin, who is now the subject of an Apple TV+ documentary; Robert Costa profiles historian Doris Kearns Goodwin; Martha Teichner talks with author Percival Everett about his new novel, "James"; Kelefa Sanneh interviews Fareed Zakaria... Читать дальше...

Open: This is "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan," March 24, 2024


This week on "Face the Nation," Margaret Brennan speaks to House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Rep. Michael McCaul and former counterintelligence official Sam Vinograd as Russia grapples with an attack at a Moscow concert hall that left more than 130 dead. Plus, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy joins.

Here Comes the Sun: Hilary Swank and more


Actor Hilary Swank sits down with Tracy Smith to discuss her latest film, “Ordinary Angels.” Then, Conor Knighton travels to New Orleans to meet portraitist Michael Deas and to learn about his paintings found on stamps, Time magazine covers and more. “Here Comes the Sun” is a closer look at some of the people, places and things we bring you every week on “CBS Sunday Morning.”

Nature: Birds of Costa Rica


"Sunday Morning" takes us among the colorful birds in the jungle near San Jose, Costa Rica. Videographer: Judith Lehmberg.

Музыкальные новости
Пётр Чайковский

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Каршеринг BelkaCar и картографический сервис 2ГИС запустили серию совместных маршрутов

Минсельхоз сообщил о росте в России производства вина

онcкиe кaзаки показывают свою физическую подготовку. Российская импepия, 1910 гoд.

Серфинг в России 2024: места, где можно поймать волну

«Большое достижение»: сын Куклачева Дмитрий рассказал о нынешнем состоянии отца

Fareed Zakaria on "Age of Revolutions"


As host of CNN's "GPS," Fareed Zakaria dives into global issues with scholars, presidents, and the occasional celebrity. An optimist, Zakaria is nonetheless concerned about what he characterizes as a darkness in America brought on by people "who feel that they are not benefiting from all the changes in society." He talks with "Sunday Morning" contributor Kelefa Sanneh about his new book, "Age of Revolutions," in which he writes about how societies both embrace change and resist it.

Steve Martin gets the documentary film treatment


The comedian known for being wild and crazy is now the subject of a documentary on Apple TV+, titled "STEVE! (martin) a documentary in 2 pieces." Correspondent Tracy Smith talks with Steve Martin, and with filmmaker and longtime fan Morgan Neville, about telling the 78-year-old legend's life story, from his comedy records and "SNL," to walking away from standup, to playing a mean banjo.

"James" author Percival Everett on race, language and art


Author Percival Everett has challenged the schism of race in such satirical novels as "Erasure" (basis of the Oscar-winning film "American Fiction"). His latest, "James," re-tells the story of "Huckleberry Finn" from the point of view of Huck's enslaved friend, Jim, for whom language becomes a shield, and an avenue toward freedom. Everett talks with correspondent Martha Teichner about his writing, his artwork, and his penchant for privacy.


«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

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Собянин: Более 40 театров отреставрировали и отремонтировали в Москве за 10 лет

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Музыкальные новости


Мама Тимати прошлась по интервью Шишковой: «Смотреть было брезгливо, но Аленка молодец»

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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