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Новости за 25.03.2024

Why some Wisconsin voters stand by Trump despite legal cases


Some Republican voters in Wisconsin, a battleground state in the 2024 presidential elections, are standing by former President Donald Trump through what appears to be a campaign plagued by legal woes. CBS News campaign reporter Taurean Small has been speaking to Wisconsin voters about the impact of Trump's legal matters.

Why Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is stepping down


Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun announced Monday he is stepping down at the end of the year as the aircraft manufacturer faces mounting criticism over its handling of production problems with Boeing 737 Max 9 planes. Andrew Tangel, an aviation reporter for The Wall Street Journal, talks to CBS News about what's ahead for Boeing.

Princess Kate asks for privacy as she undergoes cancer treatment


Catherine, the Princess of Wales, is asking for privacy as she continues her cancer treatment, which she called "preventative chemotherapy" during her taped video announcement Friday. CBS News foreign correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports.

Scientists test cutting HIV out of cells


Researchers at the University of Amsterdam say they are getting closer to combating HIV by separating the virus from infected cells using CRISPR gene-editing technology. Dr. Jonathan Stoye, a virus expert at the Francis Crick Institute, joins CBS News with a look at the medical advance.

Trump speaks after judge in "hush money" case sets new trial date


A criminal case against former President Donald Trump stemming from a "hush money" payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels will begin on April 15. Trump spoke after the Monday hearing where a New York judge rejected the former president's bid to delay the trial. CBS News' Katrina Kaufman and Jessica Levinson have more.

Pope Francis skips homily during Palm Sunday mass


Pope Francis skipped the homily on Palm Sunday at last minute, but did participate in blessing the palm fronds and olive branches. Candida Moss, an Edward Cadbury professor of theology at the University of Birmingham, joined CBS News to discuss the pontiff.

Princess Kate cancer announcement raising questions about coverage


Princess Kate's announcement that she has cancer has led to a new reckoning about how the royal family is covered in the press, while also raising questions about what's ahead, as she requests privacy for her family. CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams has more.

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Watch these swans create a heart during a courtship ritual


Watch these swans form a heart while performing a courtship ritual in England. "It's that time of the year when the pair will have established a territory and are strengthening their bond," a spokesperson for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust told CBS News partner BBC News.

Fake eclipse glasses are hitting the market. Here's how to check if yours are safe to use.


On April 8, people in parts of the U.S. will be able to witness a total eclipse, while others will see a partial eclipse. To view it, you must wear proper eyewear, but experts are warning that fakes that won't protect your eyes properly are hitting the market. Danya Bacchus visited a legitimate manufacturer and has tips on how to make sure your glasses are safe.


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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