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Новости за 16.03.2024

3/16: CBS Saturday Morning


First maritime aid shipment reaches Gaza amid rift between Biden, Netanyahu; Unusual pool cleaning group does the task for a surprising fee.

Meet Hansel Enmanuel, the NCAA standout who lets nothing get in his way


Hansel Enmanuel gained worldwide recognition last year when he kicked off his collegiate basketball career at Northwestern State University. This year, he transferred to Austin Peay State University to nearly double his average playing time and rank second in blocked shots. And he's doing it all with one arm. Dana Jacobson has more on his story.

The Dish: Chicago restaurants


We explore Chicago’s delicious eats, from a Hyde Park spot celebrating Southern food and Black culture to a steakhouse in West Loop with a unique cooking method. Watch these stories and more on "The Dish."

Traveling art exhibit showcases African-American history


The Kinsey Collection is the largest private holding of African-American art and artifacts. It's a family affair as the show travels the world. Michelle Miller visited the latest exhibition in Houston to talk about how it all began.

Chef at Manhattan's premier Nordic restaurant makes new opportunities for others


Chef Emma Bengtsson is the first Swedish female chef to earn 2 Michelin stars and the most recent recipient of the organization's Mentor Chef Award. Born in Sweden, Bengtsson developed a taste for her grandmother's cooking and takes pride in sharing it with those lucky enough to get a seat at her Manhattan restaurant Aquavit.

Eye on America: Successful eye transplant, and the healing power of breathing


In New York, we speak with the patient and medical team behind the first successful eye transplant. Then in Arizona, we get a firsthand look at a breathing technique that proponents claim can create a healing psychedelic state without any drugs. Watch these stories and more on "Eye on America" with host Michelle Miller.

Saturday Sessions: Glen Hansard performs "Bearing Witness"


The Grammy-nominated, Oscar-winning Irish singer-songwriter Glen Hansard first garnered attention in 1990 as front man of the Irish band The Frames, then catapulted to fame as the star of 2007's movie "Once," which earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Hansard is now out with his fifth studio solo album, "All That Was East is West of Me Now." Now, here is Glen Hansard with "Bearing Witness."

Saturday Sessions: Glen Hansard performs "The Feast Of St. John"


The Grammy-nominated, Oscar-winning Irish singer-songwriter Glen Hansard first garnered attention in 1990 as front man of the Irish band The Frames, then catapulted to fame as the star of 2007's movie "Once," which earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Hansard is now out with his fifth studio solo album, "All That Was East is West of Me Now." Now, here is Glen Hansard with "The Feast Of St. John."

Saturday Sessions: Glen Hansard performs "There's No Mountain"


The Grammy-nominated, Oscar-winning Irish singer-songwriter Glen Hansard first garnered attention in 1990 as front man of the Irish band The Frames, then catapulted to fame as the star of 2007's movie "Once," which earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Hansard is now out with his fifth studio solo album, "All That Was East is West of Me Now." Now, here is Glen Hansard with "There's No Mountain."

Glen Hansard talks new album and long music career


Over his long career, Irish singer-songwriter Glen Hansard has taken home an Oscar and been nominated for multiple Grammy Awards. He sat down recently with Jeff Glor to talk about his career, fatherhood and the unique way he developed his most recent album "All That Was East Is West of Me Now."

The Uplift: Unconditional love


A couple shares their blended family's message of unconditional love. A TikTok star named Alex the Great gets widespread attention. Plus, go inside a museum of oddities.

Музыкальные новости
Антонина Арталевская

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week

Анфиса Чехова

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

От Чехова до Винни-Пуха: режиссер Александр Фарсайт советует любимые спектакли

Названа главная проблема "Зенита" с Алипом

Жизнь за МКАДом: лучшие загородные рестораны, где тоже модно

Экс-глава Роспотребнадзора Онищенко предупредил об опасности переедания шашлыка

Humanitarian crisis worsens in Haiti


The humanitarian crisis in Haiti is worsening as escalating gang violence rips the Caribbean nation apart. On Friday, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said a plan to create a transitional presidential council on the island is moving forward to try and restore stability as political turmoil drives a rise in hunger.

Home buying might be cheaper for millions soon as realtor association settles lawsuits


The National Association of Realtors, which represents more than a million real estate agents nationwide, settled a number of lawsuits Friday. One of the conditions of the agreement is that rules on commissions for agents brokering a home sale will be eliminated, meaning that the standard 5% to 6% commission rate could be gone as soon as this summer.

Fani Willis remains on Georgia election interference case after Nathan Wade resigns


Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis will remain on Georgia's election interference case against former president Donald Trump after special prosecutor Nathan Wade resigns following a judge's ultimatum. The judge said that either Willis or Wade must resign, but ruled that Trump and his legal team failed to provide a conflict of interest where Willis benefitted from her year-long romantic relationship with Wade.

Exclusive discounts from CBS Mornings Deals


On this edition of CBS Mornings Deals, Ashley Bellman shows some items that might just become essentials in your everyday life. Visit cbsdeals.com to take advantage of these exclusive deals today. CBS earns commissions on purchases made through cbsdeals.com.


Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

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Музыкальные новости

Бато Багдаев

Театра кукол «Ульгэр» в Улан-Удэ проводит етс фотосессию детям

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

ЦСКА проиграл «Балтике» в гостевом матче 26-го тура РПЛ

Елена Рыбакина

Названы победительницы матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за четвертьфинал турнира в Мадриде

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