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Новости за 17.03.2024

3/17: Face The Nation


This week on "Face the Nation," Margaret Brennan speaks to the heads of the House Committee on Communist China, Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi and Mike Gallagher, and tech watcher Kara Swisher. Plus, Brennan sits down with former Vice President Mike Pence, who said last week that he wouldn't endorse former President Donald Trump in 2024.

Face The Nation: Krishnamoorthi, Gallagher, Swisher


Missed the second half of the show? The latest on...Reps. Mike Gallagher and Raja Krishnamoorthi, the co-chairs of the House select committee on the Chinese Communist Party, join "Face the Nation" to discuss the House passing a bill on TikTok, Tech journalist Kara Swisher tells "Face the Nation" that although TikTok's leadership says the company is not controlled by the Chinese government, "every Chinese company I've covered has had the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party involved in it, whether they like it or not"... Читать дальше...

3/17: Sunday Morning


Hosted by Jane Pauley. In our cover story, Martha Teichner looks at the history of turmoil in Haiti. Also: Conor Knighton explores Irish emigration, and his own family history; Tracy Smith sits down with Christine Blasey Ford, whose new memoir, "One Way Back," recounts the fallout from her testimony in Brett Kavanaugh's 2018 Supreme Court confirmation hearings; Luke Burbank poses questions to "Jeopardy!" champion-turned-host Ken Jennings; David Pogue reports on how the bestselling romance "The Notebook"... Читать дальше...

Author Kara Swisher says "TikTok's not going away," but says changes are likely


Tech journalist Kara Swisher, the author of "Burn Book," tells "Face the Nation" that although TikTok's leadership says the company is not controlled by the Chinese government, "every Chinese company I've covered has had the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party involved in it, whether they like it or not." While she said changes are likely at TikTok, "TikTok's not going away, kids."

Open: This is "Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan," March 17, 2024


This week on "Face the Nation," Margaret Brennan speaks to the heads of the House Committee on Communist China, Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi and Mike Gallagher, and tech watcher Kara Swisher. Plus, Brennan sits down with former Vice President Mike Pence, who said last week that he wouldn't endorse former President Donald Trump in 2024.

Here Comes the Sun: Charles Melton and more


Actor Charles Melton sits down with Tracy Smith to discuss his latest film, “May December.” Then, Conor Knighton travels to Las Vegas to attend The World of Concrete’s annual convention. “Here Comes the Sun” is a closer look at some of the people, places and things we bring you every week on “CBS Sunday Morning.”

Музыкальные новости

Блогерша Алена Водонаева заявила, что ей нравится сын рэпера Джигана


Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ подвел производственные итоги первого квартала 2024 года

Sohu: Россия ответила США на конфискацию активов

Запад насторожился: 10 встреч за 5 дней – «сверхвысокая» активность МИД РФ говорит, что Кремль готовит «глобальную инициативу», пишет FR

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Сергий Радонежский был самой яркой фигурой XIV века на Руси

Nature: Driftwood on a Florida beach


We leave you this Sunday among driftwood along the shoreline at Little Talbot State Park in Jacksonville, Florida. Videographer: Charles Schultz.

Alabama sculpture park evokes history of slavery


In Montgomery, Alabama, a long-neglected plot of land, wedged between a maze of train tracks and the river, has been transformed into the Freedom Monument Sculpture Park – 17 acres filled with nearly 50 sculptures by world-famous artists like Kehinde Wiley, Hank Willis Thomas, Simone Leigh and Rose B. Simpson. It's the latest installation by the Equal Justice Initiative to evoke the history and repercussions of slavery in America. Correspondent Mark Whitaker reports.

Koi: "Swimming jewels"


Koi carp are loved and admired for their size and bright markings and not just in Japan; breeders exported nearly $50 million worth of koi last year, with America the second-largest importer of koi in the world. Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer visits a fish beauty pageant of sorts at the All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo, and talks with fish breeders and aficionados about the charisma of koi.


Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины

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Григорий Лепс

Григорий Лепс решил ответить на нападки Артемия Троицкого

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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