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Новости за 08.03.2024

How daylight saving time affects your health


Sleep experts are warning that daylight saving time causes the body certain harm as it adapts to the changes. CBS News' Michael George reports on the concerns about health and safety being raised as Americans prepare for the Sunday shift.

10 years since MH370 Malaysia Airlines flight vanished


Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished 10 years ago and there are still questions about what happened when it disappeared from radar on March 8, 2014, with 239 passengers and crew on board. BBC News' Jonathan Head reports from Kuala Lumpur.

More U.S. airdrops in Gaza, no cease-fire deal yet as Ramadan approaches


The U.S. conducted a new round of airdrops in Gaza Friday containing more humanitarian aid for Palestinians, as a window for a cease-fire deal before Ramadan rapidly closes in. CBS News foreign correspondent Chris Livesay is following the latest in the Israel-Hamas war.

Biden's 2024 State of the Union: Johnson, Jeffries and others in Congress react


House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries are reacting to President Biden's 2024 State of the Union address as Congress gets back to work, and the Senate prepares to pass a set of bills to fund the government through September. CBS News' Scott MacFarlane reports.

February jobs beat expectations, unemployment rate rises


The U.S. economy added 275,000 jobs in February and the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to 3.9% from 3.7%, according to data released Friday. CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger and Daniel Zhao, a lead economist and senior manager at Glassdoor, join CBS News with a look at the numbers.

Biden spars with Republicans during State of the Union


President Biden repeatedly alluded to his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, during his State of the Union address Thursday, contrasting his vision for the country and setting the stage for their likely rematch in the November presidential election. CBS News' Caitlin Huey-Burns has more on the president's remarks and the GOP reaction.

Inside a U.S. military cargo plane to airdrop food into Gaza


CBS News' Ramy Inocencio takes us inside the C-130 U.S. military cargo plane that flew to the northern Gaza strip on Friday and airdropped ready-to-eat meals over a refugee camp. United Nations officials are warning that famine is imminent in the enclave. Other ally planes, including Egypt, Jordan, France and Belgium, were also making their own airdrops on the same day.

VP Kamala Harris on State of the Union, concerns about Palestinians killed in Gaza


Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to CBS News' chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes a day after President Biden's 2024 State of the Union address. Harris discussed the push to reach a cease-fire deal in the Israel-Hamas war, the national security concerns surrounding TikTok, and what's next for Mr. Biden's presidential campaign.

"48 Hours" investigates killing of celebrity hairstylist Fabio Sementilli


A Los Angeles woman is scheduled to stand trial next month for conspiring to murder her husband, celebrity hairdresser Fabio Sementilli. Prosecutors say Sementilli's wife, Monica, was secretly having an affair with the killer while she says she had nothing to do with her husband's murder. Correspondent Michelle Miller covers the case this week for "48 Hours."

Музыкальные новости
Фрэнк Синатра

ДиКаприо споет голосом Синатры


Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

Пять медалей завоевали подмосковные боксеры на чемпионате Европы

Панд Жуи и Диндин из Московского зоопарка снова сведут для продолжения рода

Лесная охрана проследит за пожарной безопасностью в Подмосковье на праздниках

Ефимов: Шесть участков с объектами незавершенного строительства реорганизуют по программе комплексного развития территорий

Vice President Harris on Israel, immigration, TikTok and more


A day after President Biden laid out a cavalcade of policy positions and made his case for four more years in office in his State of the Union address, Vice President Kamala Harris joined CBS News to discuss the address, the ongoing war in Gaza and several other topics.


«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

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Собянин представил масштабную программу фестиваля "Пасхальный дар"

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Музыкальные новости


Певец Стас Михайлов заявил, что в детстве пел шансон заключенному за деньги

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России

Росгвардейцы обеспечили безопасность матчей по футболу 26-го тура РПЛ в Москве

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Карен Хачанов

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде

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Экс-генпрокурор Скуратов заявил, что «дело Листьева» еще можно раскрыть

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