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Новости за 23.03.2024

3/23: CBS Saturday Morning


Eleven people arrested after deadly attack at concert hall in Russia; Spanish chef brings the tastes of Latin America to New York restaurants

The Dish: New Orleans restaurants


We travel to the Crescent City, visiting three New Orleans restaurants, from a historic establishment in the Garden District to a restaurant that honors a family’s four generations. Watch these stories and more on "The Dish."

Eye on America: Small business tries four-day work week


In Louisiana, we learn how a devastating drought has greatly diminished the area’s crawfish supply. Then in Ohio, we tour a small business that’s seeing promising results from a four-day work week model. Watch these stories and more on Eye on America with host Michelle Miller.

Massive project works to restore Florida's Everglades


What's been called the largest restoration project in human history is underway in Florida's Everglades. Billions of dollars are being spent to restore millions of acres. Jeff Glor reports on the massive effort, which just years ago seemed like a pipe dream.

The Uplift: Nothing but net


Nets star Mikal Bridges fulfills his dream of teaching by working at a school in Brooklyn for the day. A doctor overcomes the odds to help other survivors of catastrophic injuries. Plus, behind the scenes of Drew Barrymore's talk show, and more heartwarming stories.

Saturday Sessions: Gary Clark Jr. performs "This is Who We Are"


Acclaimed guitarist Gary Clark Jr. is making a return visit to Saturday Sessions to celebrate his new album, released on Friday. The Austin, Texas native is a four-time Grammy Award winner and captivating performer who has shared the stage with stars like Eric Clapton and Beyoncé. Now from "JPEG RAW," here is Gary Clark Jr. with "This is Who We Are."

Saturday Sessions: Gary Clark Jr. performs "Triumph"


Acclaimed guitarist Gary Clark Jr. is making a return visit to Saturday Sessions to celebrate his new album, released on Friday. The Austin, Texas native is a four-time Grammy Award winner and captivating performer who has shared the stage with stars like Eric Clapton and Beyoncé. Now from "JPEG RAW," here is Gary Clark Jr. with "Triumph."

Saturday Sessions: Gary Clark Jr. performs "Maktub"


Acclaimed guitarist Gary Clark Jr. is making a return visit to Saturday Sessions to celebrate his new album, released on Friday. The Austin, Texas native is a four-time Grammy Award winner and captivating performer who has shared the stage with stars like Eric Clapton and Beyoncé. Now from "JPEG RAW," here is Gary Clark Jr. with "Maktub."

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова оправдалась за слитые в сеть снимки: «Ничем никого не удивишь»


Сбер подарил Орлу умный фонтан

Переплата по ипотеке в России вырастет более чем в два раза

Названы шесть стран, куда русских туристов пустят без загранпаспорта

Песков назвал конфискацию активов РФ «солидным гвоздем в гроб экономики Запада»

Москвичей предупредили о резких заморозках

New museum exhibit excavates untold New York City stories


The Tenement Museum in Manhattan pays tribute to those often-invisible citizens of America: Immigrants and workers struggling through poverty to establish a home. But even here, someone was left out — until recently. Michelle Miller reports on the stories told at a new exhibit.

Learn more about the unique, unusual sport of skijoring


Skijoring is a sport that's been around for over a century but remains a mystery to many. The sport combines a bit of the Old West with some newfangled ski tricks for a one-of-a-kind experience.

Idaho prison escapee and his accomplice arrested after 36 hours


The Idaho prison inmate and his accomplice who led police on a 36-hour manhunt are back behind bars. The white supremacist gang members are also suspected of killing two other men while on the run. Police also arrested a woman who they say was driving one of the cars the men were traveling in when they were recaptured.

World reacts to Princess Kate's cancer diagnosis


Catherine, the Princess of Wales, announced Friday that she has been diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing preventative chemotherapy. The announcement came after months of speculation about her health.


«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

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Музыкальные новости


Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

Карен Хачанов

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


В России раскрыли ОПГ, которая поставляла Mercedes-Benz по поддельным документам

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России