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Новости за 20.03.2024

EPA announces new tailpipe emissions rules


The Biden administration announced new tailpipe emission standards for new passenger cars that aim to cut over 7 billion tons of carbon emissions, as well as other harmful air pollutants. CBS News national correspondent Dave Malkoff has more on the tactic to reduce carbon emissions and other harmful air pollutants.

Federal Reserve holds interest rates steady


The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it's leaving the central bank's benchmark interest rate unchanged for now as the U.S. economy shows some signs of inflation persisting in certain sectors. CBS News contributor J.D. Durkin joins business analyst Jill Schlesinger with more on the news.

Appeals court hearing arguments on Texas immigration law


A federal appeals court is hearing arguments on a controversial Texas immigration law on Wednesday a day after it temporarily blocked the legislation known as SB4 from going into effect. Just hours before, Supreme Court allowed Texas officials to begin enforcing the law. CBS News' Omar Villafranca is following the latest.

Blinken to visit Israel as Netanyahu vows to move forward with Rafah operation


Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to visit Israel Friday on his latest trip to the Middle East. This comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to move forward with his plan to expand military operations into Rafah. CBS News foreign correspondent Chris Livesay reports.

What to know before the Fed's interest rate announcement


The Federal Reserve will announce its decision on interest rates Wednesday as the U.S. continues to combat inflation. CBS News senior business and technology correspondent Jo Ling Kent breaks down what to know before the announcement.

97% of voters have early voting option this election, report finds


About 97% of voters will have the option to cast their general election ballots early this year, according to a new report from the Center for Election Innovation and Research. Only about 40% of voters were able to do so back in 2000. CBS News election law contributor David Becker founded the Center for Election Innovation and Research and oversaw the team that worked on the report. He shed some light on the significance of the increase in early voting access.

Музыкальные новости

Певица Анна Семенович призналась, что ей пришлось прервать отдых из-за болезни


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В деле "Крокуса" появился ещё один "тихий" фигурант: Что известно о двенадцатом арестованном?

«Новые известия»: Школы — под ковш. Протестная встреча с депутатом С.Обуховым. В Москве реновационный дом собрались строить на «головах детей»

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Блогер Дмитрий Портнягин обжаловал свой домашний арест

Doctor comments on new study on intermittent fasting


A new study looks at possible health risks of intermittent fasting, where people restrict their eating to eight hours or less each day. The study was not published or peer-reviewed. Dr. Sean Heffron, a preventive cardiologist for NYU Langone Heart, joined CBS News to discuss.

Judge allows Trump, others to appeal Fani Willis decision


The judge who ruled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis can stay on Georgia's election interference case against former President Donald Trump and others as long as special prosecutor Nathan Wade steps aside will allow the defendants to appeal the decision. The case against Trump will continue while an appeal is heard, but could eventually be delayed again. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion has more.

Cleaning tips from TikTok' star Melissa Pateras, also known as the "Laundry Lesbian"


Spring is here, signaling it's probably time for a little cleaning. This morning, we're joined by the perfect person to help with that — Melissa Pateras, a TikTok star known as the "Laundry Lesbian." Melissa offers tips through her videos, covering everything from removing wine stains to perfectly folding towels. She's also the author of "A Dirty Guide to a Clean Home: Housekeeping Hacks You Can't Live Without," a book packed with advice for keeping your home spotless.


«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

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Юрий Лоза

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