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Новости за 27.03.2024

Mega Millions winning ticket sold in New Jersey


One lucky person in New Jersey has won more than $1 billion dollars from the 8th largest Mega Millions drawing. Dan Geltrude, the founder of the Geltrude & Company accounting firm, joins CBS News with more on the prize.

Hunter Biden asks judge to dismiss tax charges


Hunter Biden, President Biden's son, is asking a Los Angeles judge Wednesday to dismiss tax charges against him, claiming politics have compromised the case. CBS News' Erica Brown reports.

Full interview: Guatemala's president on why migrants are coming to U.S., Trump and more


Guatemala's new president Bernardo Arévalo discusses his recent talks with President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris about the "root causes" of migration to the U.S., his thoughts on former President Donald Trump's run for a second presidential term, and more in an interview with CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O'Keefe.

Baltimore bridge collapse investigators probe collision timeline


The National Transportation Safety Board is leading the investigation into Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. The ship's data recorder has been recovered to determine what happened aboard the vessel moments before the collision. CBS News' Natalie Brand has the latest, and Khalid Mosalam, an engineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, joins CBS News with more on the probe.

Gag order restricts Trump in "hush money" New York trial


The judge presiding over former President Donald Trump's New York "hush money" case imposed a gag order Tuesday restricting what Trump can say about those involved in the upcoming trial. CBS News' Robert Costa reports.

Netanyahu blames Hamas over snag in negotiations


Talks brokered by Qatar and Egypt to reach a cease-fire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas have reportedly stalled, according to Reuters. CBS News' Chris Livesay breaks down the latest.

Indian Relay | Sunday on 60 Minutes


Indian Relay is “America’s original extreme sport.” Bill Whitaker reports from the chaotic, high-speed racetrack, Sunday.

What's known about the 6 missing from Baltimore bridge collapse


The search for six people unaccounted for after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore resumed Wednesday. CBS News' Nicole Sganga has the latest on the recovery efforts, and Ed O'Keefe reports on the Biden administration's response.

Buttigieg on Baltimore bridge collapse and plans to rebuild


Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg said the path to rebuild after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore will be "long and difficult." Buttigieg took questions on federal efforts in Maryland during Wednesday's White House press briefing.

Why a federal court is keeping Texas' immigration law on hold


A panel of judges at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals continued a hold on the controversial Texas SB4 immigration law until the court considers its constitutionality during a hearing on April 3. CBS News immigration and politics reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez reports.

Музыкальные новости
Фрэнк Синатра

ДиКаприо споет голосом Синатры

Сергей Собянин

Собянин рассказал о строительстве электродепо «Южное» для Замоскворецкой линии

В Самаре прокуратура начала проверку по факту перегруза речного теплохода

В Китае указали на решительность России в ответе Западу на заморозку активов

Можайские самбисты выиграли 5 наград на Первенстве России

Панда Катюша проспала первую прогулку в зоопарке


Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

Губернаторы России

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Собянин представил масштабную программу фестиваля "Пасхальный дар"

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Музыкальные новости


Мама Тимати прошлась по интервью Шишковой: «Смотреть было брезгливо, но Аленка молодец»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ


Соболенко вышла в ⅛ финала турнира WTA в Мадриде

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


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