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Новости за 15.03.2024

This week on "Sunday Morning" (March 17)


A look at the features for this week's broadcast of the 2023 News & Documentary Emmy-winner for Outstanding Recorded News Program, hosted by Jane Pauley.

Nathan Wade resigns as special prosecutor in Trump Georgia election interference case


Nathan Wade resigned as the special prosecutor in the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald Trump and his associates hours after a Fulton County judge ruled District Attorney Fani Willis and her office may remain if Wade stepped down. CBS News' Nikole Killion, Katrina Kaufman, Daniel Kleiman and Jessica Levinson have more.

Ohio crews search for survivors after deadly tornadoes hit


At least three people died during a powerful system of apparent tornadoes overnight, Ohio officials say. Emergency crews are digging through rubble looking for survivors Friday. CBS News' Roxana Saberi reports from Russells Point, Ohio.

Will Trump's criminal cases impact his White House bid?


Former President Donald Trump faces multiple felony counts across four different criminal cases against him while he campaigns for the 2024 presidential election. CBS News campaign reporter Olivia Rinaldi is keeping up with Trump's legal woes.

FBI's Biden informant accused of lying as far back as 2016


Alexander Smirnov, the confidential FBI informant who made false allegations about business dealings involving President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, was accused of lying in an earlier case. CBS News' Scott MacFarlane reports.

Netanyahu approves plans for Israel's military operation in Rafah


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved plans for a ground offensive expansion into Rafah, CBS News has learned. This comes as sources say there may be some movement forward in negotiations for a temporary cease-fire in Gaza. CBS News foreign correspondent Chris Livesay reports.

Biden discusses Gaza war with Ireland's leader during White House meeting


President Biden met with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on Friday for customary White House traditions ahead of St. Patrick's Day. During their meeting, the Irish Taoiseach and Mr. Biden discussed efforts to reach a cease-fire in Gaza and humanitarian efforts for Palestinians. CBS News senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang has more.

Haitians flock to Dominican Republic border amid crisis


Haitians hoping to stock up on supplies are flocking to the border with the Dominican Republic as tensions remain high over continued political instability and gang violence. CBS News' Cristian Benavides reports from Dajabón, Dominican Republic.

What's next after judge decides Fani Willis can stay on Trump case if Nathan Wade leaves


Fulton County judge Scott McAfee ruled Friday that District Attorney Fani Willis and her office can remain on the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald Trump and some of his associates under one condition -- Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor who was in a romantic relationship with Willis, must step aside. CBS News' Nikole Killion, Daniel Klaidman and Rikki Klieman break down the latest in the proceedings.

Deadly storms, tornadoes in Midwest and South leave path of destruction


Tens of thousands of Americans in the Midwest and South woke up to damage caused by severe weather and tornadoes that tore through the area overnight Friday. At least three people were killed in Ohio, officials said. Troy Anderson, the director of the Auglaize County Homeland Security and Emergency Management, joins CBS News with more.

Музыкальные новости

Смешарики и «Академия Эстрада Тинс» выпустили трек «Попурри»


Хоккейный турнир за Кубок Каменского стартовал в Воскресенске

Названы шесть стран, куда русских туристов пустят без загранпаспорта

"Вы нас не напугаете!": Между Россией и Таджикистаном произошел громкий скандал

Ефимов: 6 участков с объектами незавершенного строительства реорганизуют по программе КРТ

Разворот: доллар прервал серию из трёх снижений и утром 29 апреля опять дорожает

Apocalyptic scenes as severe storms hit Ohio


An Ohio man captured apocalyptic scenes unfolding amid a terrifyingly close call with a tornado surrounded by lightning as it caused a nearby home's lights to flicker and tossed debris from a campground into the air.


Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

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Музыкальные новости


Певец Андрей Губин дал интервью в маске и заявил, что стал очень плохо выглядеть

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

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Елена Рыбакина

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